I have a CRAZY sister
14 Hilarious Pranks of Siblings Who Didn’t Hold Back
Bright Side decided to explore another side of this bond. We gathered a list of some of our favorite pranks pulled by siblings.
“My brother had to work, so he asked me to save him a little bit of everything...”
“Ever want to punch your little brother before?”
No one likes to share ice cream...
“My sister’s definitely going to hate me for this...”
“My little brother did this while nobody else was home.”
“Girls, where’s your sister?”
“My sister’s nickname is Giraffe because she has a long neck. She hates it. This is going to be my birthday present to her.”
“Ordered new sneakers. Asked my little brother for pics while I’m at work.”
“Got revenge on my sister by hiding her science presentation in a maze of folders.”
“The first year my little brother gets me anything for Christmas and he gets me this.”
“My brother mailed me a potato again.”
“My girlfriend is moving. She left her sister alone and then this happened.”
“Asked my brother to meet me at a popular restaurant for dinner. He showed up like this.”
“What my brother does with my phone...”
Do you have any siblings? Share your best (or worst) pranks in the comments below and don’t forget to tag your brothers or sisters!
I just made up a very funny prank (not cruel at all).
Step 1: Take a bath before your sibling does.
Step 2: Block the drain on your sink/bathtub (although doing it on the sink is better).
Step 3: Pour 10 drops of YOUR shampoo into the sink/tub.
Step 4: Fill the tub/sink with water. Tons of foamy bubbles should form.
Step 5: Locate your sibling’s shampoo bottle. Put it on the toilet or a flat area (not the floor!)
Step 6: Use all the bubbles you just created and pour it onto your sibling’s shampoo bottle. Then, spread some more around the bottom of the bottle and the area around. Make sure it looks like the foamy bubbles has poured down from the shampoo bottle to the floor!
Step 7: Wait until your sibling comes into the bathroom!

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