Why Mothers Need a “Postpartum Party” More Than a Baby Shower

Family & kids
2 years ago

A postpartum party is exactly what it sounds like — a post-birth get-together to help parents with their new baby. It doesn’t mean that you have to cancel baby showers, but putting on another celebration after a delivery could be a great gesture, especially if the new mom is going through postpartum depression.

Here at Bright Side, we really admire mothers and consider them true heroes. But even heroes might need praise and encouragement from time to time, especially after giving birth.

Baby blues

Up to 75% of new parents experience “baby blues” after delivery, according to research conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. And up to 15% of these people tend to develop post-partum depression. These baby blues can happen in the first weeks after giving birth and can go away quickly without medical treatment. Usually, all the woman needs is some love, encouragement, and help with the baby and household chores.

A drastic drop in hormone levels

According to Dr. Crystal Edler Schiller, there’s a direct correlation between the serious drop of hormones after delivery and postpartum depression. The amount of estrogen and progesterone (reproductive hormones) increases during pregnancy and drops right after delivery.

Usually, the hormones return to pre-pregnant levels within a few days. Besides physical changes, the social and psychological transformation of a new mom, surrounding people, and atmosphere at home creates an increased risk of postpartum depression.

You should definitely seek medical help if you constantly feel sad, tired, or joyless after giving birth for several weeks. Postpartum depression is treatable and the first, most important step is to see your health care provider. And if it’s needed, your family doctor will give you a referral to a mental health professional.

Social isolation

A dramatic change in lifestyle, even when a woman is fully prepared to have a baby, leaves its mark on the emotional state of the new mother. Life in the outside world goes on, but you’re just not a big part of it anymore, concentrating on the baby’s well-being instead, which often means spending most of your time at home. At that point, even just coming to visit can be tremendously supportive.

A few of the main reasons that make women who give birth feel sad are stressful changes and low social support. Here’s where new moms could use a group of friends and a bit of cheering up. Simple communication with friends alone makes a big difference in the life of a woman who sits at home with her baby 24/7. And throwing a party and celebrating her new status might be a great idea!

Have you ever helped a girlfriend who gave birth? In what way? We’d be happy to hear your stories in the comment section below!

Please note: This article was updated in April 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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