So here is a new lesson when I read this : Always wears white underwear
What Might Happen If You Wear Underwear All Day
For many of us, deciding to stop wearing underwear might seem like an unusual thing to do. After all, we’re used to putting it on under our clothes, and some of us don’t even take it off at night. But occasionally going without underwear actually offers many health benefits that go way beyond your personal comfort.
Here at Bright Side, we did some research to find out why wearing underwear all the time might not be the best choice for your health.
1. You don’t let your private area breathe.
If you are someone who likes wearing synthetic lace underwear, you might want to reconsider this habit. Although synthetic fabrics look more attractive than cotton, they aren’t breathable and trap sweat and moisture around your private area. If you don’t give yourself a break from underwear every now and then, the combination of sweat and moisture might cause skin irritation and even lead to yeast infections and urinary tract infections.
2. It might cause body odor.

3. You may experience skin irritation.
Even if you’re not used to going commando, losing the underwear occasionally might be a good idea if you’re experiencing irritation or chafing around your private area. Underwear that’s too tight and made up of artificial fabrics can irritate the delicate skin and even expose you to injury and infection. To avoid this unpleasant sensation, try wearing loose-fitting clothes and occasionally skipping underwear.
4. It might make you more vulnerable to allergies.
Your favorite pink or purple panties surely look great, but the artificial dyes they contain might cause irritation, bumps, and rashes. And if you never give yourself a break from wearing underwear, being exposed to chemicals in textile dyes day after day may eventually result in more serious infections.
What do you think of going without underwear? Have you ever tried it?
Everytime I wear a skirt or a dress I skip the underwear.

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