So, kissing is not only pleasant, but also healthy! :)
Will show this to my bf next time he says he is not in the mood to kiss, ha-ha
Scientists Say That Kissing Your Partner Every Day Can Help You Live Longer
A good kiss a day keeps the doctor away — although this may sound like an exaggeration, it really is true. Besides being one of the most enjoyable experiences in our life, kissing actually brings us a bunch of other benefits, helping us live a longer and healthier life.
Bright Side found out what exactly happens to your body when you’re kissing your partner and how it influences the quality of your life.
9. Kissing eases allergies.
It turns out that a 30-minute kissing session can actually reduce the symptoms of hay fever, an allergy caused by pollen or dust. In fact, some studies show that a good kiss decreases the growth of the immunoglobulin E antibodies in your blood. These antibodies release histamine, which is responsible for allergy symptoms, including watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing.
8. Kissing relieves stress.
If you often feel stressed, kissing is the perfect activity to relieve the tension. When you kiss, your body produces oxytocin, which is a natural calming chemical. This hormone stops the buzz in your mind, heals anxiety, and makes you feel more relaxed.
When you kiss someone, it also relaxes your jaw and makes you breathe more deeply — these 2 things are other triggers that can help you lead a stress-free life.
7. Kissing burns calories.
Kissing can help you burn up to 120 calories an hour. Of course, it’s not going to replace your workout session, but you certainly won’t have to worry about that little dessert you had after dinner. Just remember the rule: The longer you’re engaged in the process, the more calories you’ll burn. It also works better when you’re standing and moving, rather than sitting still.
6. Kissing makes you look younger.
A passionate kiss involves about 23-34 underlying facial muscles and 112 postural muscles. Toning these muscles can help you smooth out wrinkles, shape up your neck, and slow the process of aging skin, especially around your cheeks. No wonder your face looks young and glowing after a serious make out session!
5. Kissing prevents lung diseases.
Normally, we inhale about 20 times a minute. But when we kiss, this number raises up to 60 times a minute. This workout is actually good for your lungs because it leads to a greater exposure to air. As a result, your lungs become stronger and your chances of developing lung disease go down.
4. Kissing reduces your blood pressure.

Kissing is good for your heart and not just in a romantic way. A long and passionate kiss regulates your heartbeat, reduces cholesterol levels, and lowers the blood pressure by dilating your blood vessels.
When your blood circulation improves, all your vital organs, including your heart, become much healthier. So the more you kiss, the smaller the chances are that you’ll have problems with your heart.
3. Kissing relieves cramps and headaches.
The dilative effect of kissing on your blood vessels has one more benefit — it helps relieve pain, especially from headaches and menstrual cramps. So the next time you have your period, don’t rush to take painkillers or other medications, just try a good, long kissing session instead.
2. Kissing boosts your immune system.
A kiss is a good way to share your bacteria with your partner, but don’t be afraid — this process actually improves your immune system.
It’s estimated that about 80% of the bacteria in saliva are common to everyone and 20% are unique to you. So when you’re swapping bacteria, you help each other develop antibodies that fight various infections, thus strengthening your internal defense system.
1. Kissing prevents cavities.
Kissing can be considered a natural cleansing process for your teeth. When you’re kissing, you’re secreting more saliva in your mouth, and this extra saliva neutralizes acids, flushes away food particles, and washes bacteria off your teeth.
Of course, you don’t need to completely give up your usual hygiene procedures, but a good kiss after a meal will help you prevent plaque buildup and avoid tooth decay.
Bonus: Kissing can improve your productivity.
Apparently, kissing is not only good for your health — it also helps you live better. A German study conducted back in the 1970s showed that men who kiss their wives every morning tend to be more productive at work, take less sick days, and make more money in general.
Besides that, morning kisses boost your self-confidence and improve concentration so that you’ll be about 50% less likely to get into a car accident when driving to work.
How often do you kiss your partner? What type of kisses do you prefer? Tell us about your kissing habits in the comments!
You know, in ancient times, people used to kiss the ground on which the king or queen walked. Don't even ask me why they started kissing each other.

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