for boys???
How to Choose the Right Hairstyle for Your Face Shape
Hi everyone!
How have you been, guys? I just came back home from my friend’s sleepover party, and it was so cool! We were watching movies, singing our favorite songs, and binge eating the sweetest and fattiest snacks ALL NIGHT LONG! But the craziest part was when the hostess of the party, Kylie, suggested we should “open” a hair salon right in her bedroom! And WE DID! We braided each other’s hair, tried vintage hairstyles, and even colored our hair with TEMPORARY hair dye. I was such a RELIEF when I washed that dark blue color off my hair this morning because Kylie was strangely smiling when I asked her if the dye was actually washable. Phew! I can only imagine my mom’s reaction if that hair color turned out to be PERMANENT. Anyway, it was SO MUCH FUN that I can’t wait for our next sleepover party where we can do it all again.
Speaking of changing one’s hairstyle, here’s a letter I received from one of my followers, Chloe.

Hi Chloe! Changes are never easy, but they sound so exciting, right?
You can start experimenting with your hairstyle with your friends (just like I did last night). I’m not suggesting CUTTING your hair, of course. I mean you can try different hairdos, different WASHABLE hair colors, or braids. If you are thinking about cutting your hair, it’s better to visit a professional hairstylist. Meanwhile, you can think about a haircut that will suit you best.
There’s a theory in the beauty industry that each face shape has haircuts that suit this shape best. I’ve prepared a chart that can help you find a nice haircut that can flatter your face. Here it is.

“But how do I determine my face shape in the first place?” you may ask me. Well, there are different techniques that can help you do that, from an overall evaluation of your facial features to making precise measurements with a ruler in your hands.
Here’s one of the many methods you can use to determine your face shape. Just read this list and find the shape that has the features that describe YOUR FACE the best:
- Round shape: Your hairline is rounded, the width and the length of your face are nearly the same, and your jawline is rounded.
- Oval shape: Your forehead is tall, the widest part of your face is your cheekbones, and your face is more long than wide.
- Square shape: Your hairline is straight, the sides of your face form straight lines, your cheekbones are nearly as wide as your forehead and your jaw, and your jawline is squared.
- Long shape: Your hairline is straight, the sides of your face form straight lines, your jawline is square, and your face is nearly twice as long as it is wide.
- Heart shape: Your forehead is wider than your jaw, your hairline is rounded, and your chin is pointed.
I hope this helps you to choose a hairstyle that suits you best, Chloe! If you get your hair cut, please send me a picture!
Guys, what was your bravest hair experiment so far? Let’s chat in the comments!
I've got an oval face but I've never looked right with a fringe

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