Thanks to modern technology, scientists manage to find new details on paintings of the past. Some paintings reveal hidden images under a layer of paint, while in others art historians find hidden characters. However, some questions can’t be answered even with the help of sophisticated technology. We decided to find out what discoveries can make us look at famous paintings in a different way.
Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain when you look at art? The process can be pretty powerful. Even a short 3-minute visit to online galleries positively affects a person’s well-being. We decided to make a list of ingeniously designed mugs that will create an atmosphere of art right in your own house and positively impact your mood.
It’s not difficult for a skilled human being to create a perfect piece of art. However, perfection and regularity in nature never fail to leave an impression. And they don’t appear accidentally — nature often follows geometric patterns while creating its stunning artwork.
Art is the ideal way to express our identity and externalize what’s going on inside our heads. And some people believe that their own bodies and faces are the perfect canvas to display art. Whether it is permanent like tattoos, or temporary like makeup, having art on ’’us’’ will boost our confidence and make us feel better in our own skin. A study has even found that getting lots of tattoos might be good for our health by making our immune system stronger.
Italian artist Giulia Rosa reflects on intimacy, love, and friendship in soft strokes and rainbow colors. The shapes of contemporary relationships are some of her favorite topics. Very conceptual, her work depicts beautiful human figures in moments that we can perceive are private, but that we can also relate to. Maybe this is why her work is so nice to look at.
A study shows that viewing beautiful artwork allows us to experience the same pleasure as falling in love. But we don’t necessarily need a trip to the art museum in order to get showered with positive emotions. Because art is everywhere around us, and that’s what makes it so accessible and real. But in order to see it, we need to live in the moment instead of worrying about the future, and that’s when we realize how beautiful our world truly is.
What can often be found in the most ordinary places, our eyes seek it out, and it gives us pleasure... Art, of course! Art is all around us, whether we notice it or not. And experiencing it improves our health and our mood, by impacting us cognitively and emotionally.
It’s common for artists to get inspiration from the people, places, and things they encounter in the real world. But what happens when art is the one being imitated by real life? Bright Side rounded up a bunch of perfectly-timed photos that will make you question whether they are purely a coincidence, or whether there is indeed a glitch in the matrix.
Our universe never ceases to create truly mesmerizing art literally out of nothing. And many times, all it takes is a mere accident. This could be from a simple combination of circumstances that puts some details together and paints lovely pictures of a frost or shadows, lights, or unique figures on some everyday objects.
Russian-based artist, Lucia Dolgopolova, proves that crocheting is much more than just knitting sweaters and scarves. Lucia knits Lilliputian animals with the smallest hook in the world — it’s 0.35mm. The artist started creating small crochet creatures because her life was too busy to spend time on larger projects. Now she is a true master of art who can replicate the tiniest copies of animals, including bears, elephants, and even dragons. Her smallest creation is only 1 millimeter in size!As Lucia herself notices, micro-crocheting is not an easy job, but the result is worth it and we totally agree with her!
Art can be used for many things, and Alessia Ciullo decided to use it to make real-life pets into Disney characters! Alessia is a cartoonist and manga artist from Italy who creates adorable Disney pet characters out of random pets. We all know how cute animals are, and it’s hard to put their cuteness into words, so Alessia tries to show them in their true exquisite nature.
Many masterpieces of art hide mysterious stories. No matter how thoroughly researchers study paintings, there’s always some other important detail they find that can change the meaning of the entire painting.
When inspiration, patience, and hard work get together, there are no limits to the wonders that the human hands can create. They can transform the most random valueless things into pieces of art or useful daily items. If we think about it, these upcycled objects are more valuable than brand new ones, as they have a story to tell and long hours of dedication and effort behind them.
Falling down or hurting yourself in some other way can be annoying and even a bit painful. But what’s even more annoying is when the next day you’re gifted with an unsightly bruise. Instead of seeing it as something ugly, you can turn it into art and let your imagination run free. It might be a bruise, but nothing can stop you from turning it into a pineapple or even a ghost.
Don’t think that art critique is boring! Olga Tolstunova smashes that myth to pieces with elegance and style: on her Instagram account, she recreates masterpieces from all around the world and educates her audience with interesting facts and neat details. Even if you don’t care about art history, you’ll probably find yourself drawn in by the sheer passion and beauty in these “cosplays.”
Creativity is a gift often hidden, and that only comes to light in times of need or boredom. However, it’s not only an attribute reserved for a few people. It doesn’t belong exclusively to renowned or famous artists. Creativity is something natural in human beings. It’s a capacity that we can all develop in one way or another, to a greater or lesser degree.
Modern artists create things, not just to please us, but to raise awareness about our world. For example, every day we may use plastic, mindlessly pass by a homeless person, or fail to ever visit libraries. But thanks to art, we can see things like these again and strive to do better.
For men, their sense of humor has always been somewhat of an art. Men can find a way out of almost any situation. If they want to dry their jeans, something divine will happen — and they can justify any mess that they have in their homes.
Viktoria is an art student and she has an entertaining Telegram channel called “Chtozakartina.” On this channel, she talks about famous paintings in a fascinating manner. She not only discusses the paintings of the Renaissance era, but also ones that were done by modern artists.
Hungarian artist Erzsébet Furmen (Erzsébet Szilajka) has found a new way to combine art and storytelling, while bringing pebbles to life! From fairies to lovely couples, these works are a sight to behold.
The J. Paul Getty Museum, one of the biggest art museums on the West Coast of the United States, started a #artathome movement on Twitter that got people from all over the world interested. People are supposed to recreate their favorite pieces of art using only the things they have at home. People are using everything: children, pets, garden tools, the stuff from their cupboards and fridges — people are really finding new ways of expressing themselves right now.
A Malaysian artist named Lim Heng Swee shared a big secret with the whole world. Turns out, we live on a cat planet, because they’re everywhere around us. They smartly blend into landscapes and become roads, clouds, and even mountains. Can’t see them? Check out the works of the artist below.
On October 31st, one of the brightest woman architects of our time was born — Zaha Hadid, whose name can be translated from Arabic as glorious. In 2019, she would have turned 68 years old. She refused to see things in an ordinary way, her projects were called impossible to build and insane, she lost bids for 17 years, but she became the woman who totally changed the world of architecture.
It’s incredible how much a stationary, lifeless object can affect our thoughts and feelings. We might burst into laughter, start crying, or be left speechless because of a sudden realization, or simply dazzled by the beauty we see. And we hope that the amazing sculptures we’ve found will leave you in awe as well!
As Banksy writes in his book Wall and Piece, “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” No doubt, each street artist tries to impress the audience in their own way and leave a memorable mark on the cities they work in. Some of them even managed to make true masterpieces that really change the whole look of ordinary streets.
Graffiti isn’t always just about paintings on walls. Would you like to see a picture that is brought to life right before your eyes? Sergio Odeith, a street artist from Lissabon, draws illustrations that literally come alive. Thanks to his talent and skills, he often works with such brands as Coca-Cola, Samsung, and Shell.
Cosplay is the art of transforming into different characters. In order to really understand that cosplay is art, you should take a look at the gorgeous girls in this compilation. They are all very different but there is one thing that unites them — their undeniable talent.
John O’Donohue once said, “The human soul is hungry for beauty; we seek it everywhere — in landscape, music, art, clothes, furniture, gardening, companionship, love, religion, and in ourselves.” This is what you’re about to see in this list of photos taken by people who saw beauty all around them.
In the Middle Ages, cake was considered round bread which was heavily roasted from 2 sides. Since then, a lot has changed. Now you can order a cake in the form of a sneaker, a painting by Gustav Klimt, and even a whole palace!
’Indescribable beauty’ is perhaps the only way to describe some of the creative output from various corners of the globe which we’ve seen this year. Seeing some of the art projects of 2015 has to stand as one of the most memorable and impressive events of one’s life.
The art of painting and film have much in common: both seek to convey emotion, tell stories, and capture the essence of a moment. But what you may not know is that some of the most powerful scenes in your favorite films and TV shows are directly inspired by masterpieces of painting.Filmmakers, like true artists, sometimes borrow visual elements from famous paintings to create powerful images on screen. From the Renaissance to Surrealism, film and television have drawn on the sources of classical art in subtle and surprising ways. Get ready to discover scenes you never knew were inspired by iconic paintings and how film and art intertwine in fascinating ways — we promise you’ll never look at these films the same way again!
Kids have an uncanny ability to turn simple drawings into something completely unexpected—sometimes heartwarming, sometimes bizarre, and often downright hilarious. Whether it’s a family portrait that looks unintentionally eerie or an innocent sketch that takes an accidental turn, these artistic creations tend to stick with parents forever.In this collection, we’re sharing some of the most unforgettable kids’ drawings that left parents laughing, blushing, or questioning reality. Brace yourself for a wild ride through the wonderfully unpredictable world of children’s art!!
A gift says a lot about the giver. You can see at once how the person feels about you, and it’s not even about money. The gift can say whether the giver knows your tastes or preferences and is ready to make an effort to please you. Giving gifts is like an art, and alas, many people are deaf to it.
Most of us tend to remember a teacher, or more, from our school and college days. Some we remember with joy, because they helped us when we needed it the most. But not every person is meant to be, or even can be, a teacher, as these Redditors clearly show with some memorable encounters. These bad teachers can even put Cameron Diaz to shame!
Thrifting isn’t just a hobby—it’s an art form, and these women are the Picassos of sustainable style. Who knew that rummaging through second-hand racks could lead to looks so chic they’d make Mother Nature herself do a double-take? Whether you’re all about saving the planet or saving a buck (or both), these 15 incredible moments show that sustainable fashion can be fabulously fun.So grab a friend, dive into the treasure trove, and get ready to be inspired by some seriously stylish, eco-friendly finds!