Bad day

16 Pics That Are So Telling We Can Literally Feel Somebody’s Pain

16 Pics That Are So Telling We Can Literally Feel Somebody’s Pain
year ago

We’ve all had those days where everything seems to go wrong, and it feels like the world is against us. Whether it’s a bad day at work or a personal issue, it can be tough to shake off the negative emotions that come with it. But fear not, because we’ve compiled a collection of 16 images that are so relatable they’ll have you feeling like you’re not alone in your struggles. From funny to heartwarming moments, these pictures will remind you that no matter how tough life can get, there’s always a reason to smile. So sit back, relax, and let these images make your day a little brighter!

TV Naps: Falling Asleep in Front of the TV Isn’t All Bad

TV Naps: Falling Asleep in Front of the TV Isn’t All Bad
year ago

Yeah, yeah, I know, we’ve all heard that there are many reasons why falling asleep in front of our TV screens might not be the best thing to do if you wanna get a good night’s sleep. But it turns out, it’s not all that bad. Some experts suggest there may even be some advantages to dozing off while watching your favorite TV show. For instance, if you don’t turn up the TV too loudly, those noises in the background may help you fall asleep faster. Think of your TV as a white noise machine. If you’ve done some research on ways to improve your sleep, you’ve surely heard of white noise before. It is like the sound of the wind blowing or the rain falling. It’s a mixture of different sounds at different frequencies, all happening at the same time. Sometimes these types of sounds are used by people to help them sleep, block out other sounds or concentrate better on their tasks. If the volume on your TV is low enough — meaning you’re not able to understand the dialogue precisely, it might help if you have problems falling asleep.

15+ People Who Could’ve Used a Bit of Luck

15+ People Who Could’ve Used a Bit of Luck
year ago

You pick up a jar of sauce or pull out your brand-new phone to check notifications, and the next thing you know, they jump out of your hands and break. A bucket of paint accidentally pops open in your car, and you are petrified at the sight of a huge stain.It’s not uncommon to have a bad day every now and then, but some people seem to have particularly unlucky days that leave them wondering what they did to deserve their misfortune. While it’s easy to dwell on the negative, it’s important to remember that tomorrow is a new day and things can always get better.

15+ People Who Deserve to Have a Better Day

15+ People Who Deserve to Have a Better Day
year ago

When nothing goes our way, it’s okay to find some comfort in the thought of a fresh tomorrow. And many people are really thankful for the opportunity to try again. Well, as they say, in the sentence of life, there might be commas. The thing is to not let there be any periods, because it could just be a bad day, not a bad life after all.

10+ People Who Wish Their Day Had a Return Option

10+ People Who Wish Their Day Had a Return Option
year ago

Statistically, 1 out of 3 items bought online end up being sent back to the store. 58% of customers prefer easy, no questions asked return policies. If the theory that all 8 billion of us live in a computer simulation is true, the following unlucky folks would be the first to push the “click to return” option.

18 People Whose Day Turned Into a Pure Nightmare

18 People Whose Day Turned Into a Pure Nightmare
year ago

No matter how much we dislike them, there is no way to escape a bad day every now and then. And while we usually get annoyed or angry at unfortunate events, we can also remind ourselves that this is just a temporary situation. And it might even be a blessing in disguise because bad luck teaches us to really appreciate and be grateful for a good thing when it happens to us, instead of taking it for granted.

16 People Whose Day Unexpectedly Turned Into a Disaster

16 People Whose Day Unexpectedly Turned Into a Disaster
2 years ago

Some days, when everything seems to be going wrong, we feel like the universe is conspiring against us. Whether it’s something that happened to us out of the blue or because of someone else’s actions, we can’t just let it go, as the song from Frozen says. But, thanks to internet users who share their failures with others, it gives us hope that we are not the only ones who have a bad day from time to time.

15 People Whose Luck Decided to Leave Their Side for a Moment

15 People Whose Luck Decided to Leave Their Side for a Moment
2 years ago

Having a bad day is something that every single one of us knows a lot about. So much so that the topic is featured in songs, like the 2000s catchy tune “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter. Thus, it’s no surprise that the internet is full of examples of just how unlucky one can be in certain moments.

16 Pictures That Give Us Second Hand Frustration

16 Pictures That Give Us Second Hand Frustration
2 years ago

Everyone can have a bad day, and we all deserve to catch a break here and there. But, catching a break doesn’t mean putting our relieved weight onto someone else’s back. This is unfortunately what some people do everyday around us, and we’ve gotten so used to these occurrences. But also sometimes, things just happen and there is no one we can really blame about.

15 Situations That Are One Step Away From Being a Fail of the Day

15 Situations That Are One Step Away From Being a Fail of the Day
2 years ago

According to research, Tuesday seems like the longest and most miserable day of the week. Having said that, most of us, unfortunately, experience bad days more than once a week. It just takes a little unfortunate event or an unpleasant sight to make us wish we could skip that day altogether. But the good news is that just as easily as they happen, it is as simple to turn a bad day around. We just need to keep our minds in a positive state and remind ourselves that good events will come sooner than we think.

15+ People Whose Day Started Off on the Wrong Foot

15+ People Whose Day Started Off on the Wrong Foot
2 years ago

Whether it’s due to our clumsiness or caused by an exterior factor, some mornings are just meant to start off in a nasty way. Luckily though, turning around a bad day is totally in our control. According to a study, when we’re positive, we’re 31% more productive and even 40% more likely to receive a promotion. So next time something unfortunate happens, we need to remember that the rest of our day can still be amazing if we allow our brain to focus on the bright side instead.

16 People Who Couldn’t Have Had a Worse Day at Work

16 People Who Couldn’t Have Had a Worse Day at Work
2 years ago

Having a bad day at work is nothing rare, and it seems that almost 30% of employees have one of these at least once a week. But bad days don’t just happen when your mood is low and you feel like you don’t want to be there. They can also arise on days that start off great but get ruined after something unexpected happens. For example, you could be expecting lots of tips, only to receive pennies.

17 People That Might Need a Reassuring Warm Hug ASAP

17 People That Might Need a Reassuring Warm Hug ASAP
2 years ago

There isn’t much we can do to tell how our day will unfold. Some days are good. Some days are normal. Some are bad. And some days... well, we just need a warm, reassuring hug.Studies have shown that a sincere hug can save the day. For example, a hug helps the body release feel-good hormones, reduce stress, decrease cholesterol, and increase the strength of the immune system. And boy do we need one when things go south! A comforting hug can indeed undo a bad day.

15+ Pics That Show What It’s Like to Start Your Day on the Wrong Foot

15+ Pics That Show What It’s Like to Start Your Day on the Wrong Foot
3 years ago

If you’re having a bad day, maybe it’s because you haven’t seen the situations these people have been through yet. How would you feel if your wedding ring broke, if you were left with the refrigerator door in your hand, or if a bucket of paint fell on your head? Some of Reddit’s users have experienced these little everyday failures firsthand and told us about them in a funny way. Because when something goes wrong, it’s better to laugh than to cry!

21 Times We Were Grateful Not to Be “That Guy”

21 Times We Were Grateful Not to Be “That Guy”
4 years ago

When you wake up, no one ever thinks, “I hope I have a bad day today.” But then, much to your surprise, everything can go wrong within seconds. In fact, there are events throughout the day that slowly but steadily turn everything into a real nightmare. A few Reddit users shared these small details that turned their day, or that of some poor stranger, into a really bad one. Thankfully, they were able to capture the whole thing in a picture so that we could all laugh about it afterward. Because after all, what else can you do except laugh at what happened and get on with your life?

18 People Whose Luck Decided to Take a Vacation

18 People Whose Luck Decided to Take a Vacation
4 years ago

The characters of our article are everyday people who simply had a bad day. They’ve had money destroyed by dogs, witnessed upsetting waterfalls, and experienced cooking fails — and that’s only a small part of the troubling adventures they’ve managed to get into. But instead of getting angry, they took everything with a pinch of humor.

20 Life Hacks for Women That Can Save a Ruined Day

20 Life Hacks for Women That Can Save a Ruined Day
Girls stuff
5 years ago

Sometimes, it feels like being a modern woman is best left to the professionals. Simple things like your hair or shoes can make or break your day. Luckily, women all around the world have come up with tips to get out of a sticky situation with just a little imagination and foresight.

15 Weird Shots Suddenly Taken by the Google Car

15 Weird Shots Suddenly Taken by the Google Car
4 years ago

The best photos are candid photos where you don't have to pose. And people from this article were sure about that once they were found by Google Street View. In 2007, Google released a project that allowed anyone to take a stroll anywhere they want. And this also means that we're now able to see not only the world's beauty but also its hilarious and interesting reality.