
18 Comparisons of Related Celebrities That Prove Genes Are a Strong Thing

18 Comparisons of Related Celebrities That Prove Genes Are a Strong Thing
2 years ago

A person’s appearance is defined by genes, and since each of us inherits them from our parents, we tend to look like our mothers and fathers, and our siblings, in turn, resemble us too. Moreover, sometimes kids don’t only look alike, but they also choose the same profession, like becoming an actor, for example.

15 Pics That Prove Genes Can Be Very Powerful

15 Pics That Prove Genes Can Be Very Powerful
3 years ago

We all have about 22,000 genes and sometimes we share enough genes with our family to be an almost identical copy of them. Although there may be 50 years between the 2 photos, their faces look the same thanks to the magic of these genes. There are some people who are carbon copies of their relatives, confirmed by their photos that simply blow us away.

15 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

15 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing
5 years ago

What have you inherited from your mom? Her eye color or face shape? And what do you have from your father? The people depicted in this article either possess the brightest features or they’re practically carbon copies of their parents. Well, it’s not necessarily surprising that we look like our relatives, but it’s still amazing how our genes work.

10 Times Genes Were Real Pranksters

10 Times Genes Were Real Pranksters
7 years ago

In our genotype, we keep thousands of genes. They sometimes come out in unexpected combinations, as with the people in this article. They have shared their natural uniqueness with the whole internet without any doubts or hesitations.

12 People Who Realized That Their Entire Life Was a Lie

12 People Who Realized That Their Entire Life Was a Lie
7 months ago

At any stage in our lives, we may encounter moments that have the power to dramatically shift our reality when we uncover deep secrets about our past. Although these revelations can be startling and fundamentally reshape our lives, they often evolve into precious lessons that deepen our understanding and make us stronger. The stories you're about to read are all true and are sure to leave a lasting impact.

15+ Celebrity Doppelgängers That Make You Think They’re Related

15+ Celebrity Doppelgängers That Make You Think They’re Related
year ago

Ever seen an actor in a movie and thought you knew them from somewhere else? You check Google, only to find out it’s not the actor you thought. But why? They look so similar! Doppelgängers look alike to the point where they could be mistaken for twins or siblings. New research shows that these lookalikes share not just similar faces but also genes and lifestyle traits.

20+ Children Who Are Copy-Paste Versions of Their Parents

20+ Children Who Are Copy-Paste Versions of Their Parents
year ago

The key factor that determines our appearance and genes is known as DNA. All of us get 50 percent of our DNA from each parent. While some kids may not resemble their parents closely, others appear as almost identical replicas, resembling their younger counterparts. From remarkably similar eyes to matching smiles, these pairs will undoubtedly make you do a double-take to confirm if it’s the same person or not.

15 Unusual Body Traits We Weren’t Prepared to See Today

15 Unusual Body Traits We Weren’t Prepared to See Today
year ago

In a world with around 8 billion people, it’s fascinating how some are born with truly unique physical features. It’s as if our genes sometimes decide to have a little fun and create something entirely special. Surprisingly, some people don’t even realize their body’s uniqueness until later in life.

Only 8% of People Have This Body Feature + 17 Rare Body Features

Only 8% of People Have This Body Feature + 17 Rare Body Features
year ago

Most people have 12 pairs of rib bones, which means 24 ribs in total. But, some have 25. One in 200 people is born with the so-called cervical rib. It forms right above the first rib and grows at the base of a person’s neck, above the collarbone. A cervical rib can be located on the left, right, or both sides. You can have it without even knowing about it. This extra rib doesn’t necessarily form completely. It can be just a thin strand of tissue fibers not even an X-ray can see. In most cases, it’s really not a big deal — unless it starts putting pressure on nerves and blood vessels.

19 People Who Found Their Doppelgänger in a Family Member

19 People Who Found Their Doppelgänger in a Family Member

Genetics plays a major role in a person’s physical appearance, and family members tend to look very similar to each other. From the shape of the nose to the color of the eyes, physical characteristics can be passed down from generation to generation, creating a striking resemblance. However, there are some cases where the resemblance ends up being a carbon copy.

25 Proofs Your Body Does Really Weird Things

25 Proofs Your Body Does Really Weird Things
year ago

Nobody really knows why we need the appendix, but it’s always at the back of the book. Wait, wrong appendix. Some researchers claim the human appendix helped our ancestors process the tree bark and whatever they were eating at that time. As we have a much more balanced diet now, the appendix can disappear from our bodies without any consequences.

What the Moms of the 15 Hottest Women Look Like

What the Moms of the 15 Hottest Women Look Like
year ago

We often see gorgeous celebrities on red carpets with dazzling smiles and sparkling eyes. Yet, we’ve never given much thought to the people they got their great genes from. We decided to take the 15 hottest female celebs and find out what their moms look like. Some of them even look as young as their daughters!

Are You an Early Bird or Night Owl? Shocking Secrets Unveiled!

Are You an Early Bird or Night Owl? Shocking Secrets Unveiled!
2 years ago

Let’s test out to see if you’re a night owl or an early bird. If you like to wake up early in the morning and have more energy during the first part of the day, you’re certainly an early bird. On the flip side, if you come alive when the moon is high and the stars are out, you might be a night owl. It also means you’re the type of person who can stay up into the wee hours, savoring the silence and tranquility that the nighttime offers. For you, staying up late is a breeze, while hitting the snooze button in the morning becomes a tempting routine.

The Hottest Male Celebrities Who Are 40+

The Hottest Male Celebrities Who Are 40+
2 years ago

Aging is affected not only by our genes but also by how we live and our environment. Studies show that regularly exercising, eating healthy, and spending time with others can slow aging and make us look and feel younger for longer. It’s no secret that celebrities maintain their fitness goals and keep a clean diet, bringing a glow to their faces and keeping them looking younger than their age.

How Flowers of Strange Colors Are Created

How Flowers of Strange Colors Are Created
2 years ago

Guess what? Scientists claim to have crafted the world’s very first artificially engineered blue rose! Nature really nailed it with roses — white, pink, yellow, red — so many hues to choose from.But apparently, blue wasn’t on the menu. Yet, these researchers from Tianjin University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences said, “Hold my test tube,” and made it happen!

A Person to Live 1000 Years Is Already Born

A Person to Live 1000 Years Is Already Born
2 years ago

Hey there, Bright Siders. My name is Tom, and today I welcome you to have a peak into the future. Let’s imagine it’s your Birthday, and the entire family is here to celebrate. It’s a nice group of 562 people. Perfect — it takes a village to put down 1,000 candles. You cooked that 40 layer cake and built that house yourself. With the new average life expectancy, you have enough time to master any hobby in the world.

If You Can Drink Milk, You Have a Rare Body Feature

If You Can Drink Milk, You Have a Rare Body Feature
2 years ago

Seems a little weird, but very few people can actually digest milk. The thing is, there’s some special enzyme (let’s call it a little helper) that breaks down the sugars any milk has. When people grow up, they run out of this enzyme. And only a little over 30% of all people retain some of it.

15 Celebrities Who Look Like They’ve Taken a Youth Potion

15 Celebrities Who Look Like They’ve Taken a Youth Potion
2 years ago

There are 2 main reasons why people age. First, it’s due to their cells aging for natural reasons. Second, it’s due to environmental factors, such as exposure to sunlight, bad nutrition, and other unhealthy habits. That’s why some people make sure to protect themselves from all these negative things at a young age. Maybe this is why some of the biggest celebrities on the planet have maintained such a youthful appearance.

“I Thought It Was Your Sister,” People Can’t Get Over Naomi Campbell’s Mom Who Seems as Young as Her Daughter

“I Thought It Was Your Sister,” People Can’t Get Over Naomi Campbell’s Mom Who Seems as Young as Her Daughter
2 years ago

As the world recently tried to grasp the news of Naomi Campbell becoming a happy mother at 50, many people are eager to learn more about the model’s mom, who brought her up and passed some good genes down to her daughter. Valerie Morris, who’s now 70 years old, stuns her daughter’s fans with an incredibly youthful look, and we’d love for you to be amazed at her never-fading beauty together with us.

10 People Who Seem to Be Super Humans in Disguise

10 People Who Seem to Be Super Humans in Disguise
2 years ago

Our set of genes is like a Kinder Surprise Egg — you never know what you’re going to get. We’re all born different, but some people are blessed with that “extra” portion of uniqueness. Plus, they also have the superpower of brightening up our days. Their cool skills and features never fail to impress us.

Babies in the Womb Smile When Moms Eat Certain Products but Frown When They Eat Other Ones, Study Finds

Babies in the Womb Smile When Moms Eat Certain Products but Frown When They Eat Other Ones, Study Finds
Family & kids
2 years ago

Babies enter this world with a full sensory system, having sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. But their senses actually develop just a few weeks after conception, and they can do so many things in mom’s womb. They’re smiling, crying, peeing, listening to you and, actually, they already may like or dislike what you eat. Keep reading to learn what your baby is experiencing when you decide to bite into some products that you love, and whether babies and moms have the same food preferences from the start.

10 Facts About the Human Body That’ll Change Your Perception of Yourself

10 Facts About the Human Body That’ll Change Your Perception of Yourself
2 years ago

Nature has made our bodies wondrously full of marvels and curiosities that scientists are still researching today. For instance, most of us can hold our breath underwater for 90 seconds, without training, and yet in 2016, Spain’s Aleix Segura Vendrell clocked a time of 24 minutes. While he breathed in pure oxygen before immersion, scientists are still trying to figure out how he was able to do that.

Why We Are More Likely to Inherit Our Fathers’ Genes

Why We Are More Likely to Inherit Our Fathers’ Genes
2 years ago

At school, we all learn about genes and the way they are inherited equally from our mother and father. However, a recent study reveals that what we were taught might not be entirely accurate. This article will explain to you why we are all genetically a little bit more like our fathers.

6 Unique Consequences of Us Not Being Entirely Human, According to Science

6 Unique Consequences of Us Not Being Entirely Human, According to Science
2 years ago

Each cell in the human body has its own physiology and DNA. Researchers can’t quantify the ratio of human cells to microbiota in our bodies. In 2016, scientists mapped the most abundant bacteria in humans and found that we have approximately the same percentage of human and microbial cells, notably in our digestive systems. These microorganisms defend us from germs, help digestion, and create vitamins.That’s why we at Bright Side would like to shed some light on 6 phenomena for which we have yet to find a scientific explanation.