
15 products that will help you transform your outdoor space

15 products that will help you transform your outdoor space
4 months ago

You’re enjoying the sunshine out in your garden when suddenly you experience a mosquito attack. Who hasn’t gone through this nightmare? If you want to get rid of such worries and transform your outdoor space into a haven, keep scrolling to discover 15 wonderful products.

A Dog Born With Only Half a Spine and No Neck Makes the Whole Internet Want to Adopt Him

A Dog Born With Only Half a Spine and No Neck Makes the Whole Internet Want to Adopt Him
5 months ago

Meet Cooper, the friendly American foxhound with a special condition called short spine syndrome. This unique condition gives him a body that’s only half the length of a regular dog. But despite all the difficulties, Cooper’s spirit shines brighter than ever, captivating the whole Internet. This dog is the epitome of happiness, as shared by his loving owners, Elly and Andy Keegan.

12 True Events That Prove Spirits Can Be Real

12 True Events That Prove Spirits Can Be Real
8 months ago

While some say ghosts and spirits aren’t real, certain life experiences make us rethink this belief. The stories we’re sharing today involve people sensing or seeing the spirit of a loved one or encountering eerie events they can’t completely explain. Regardless of your belief in these occurrences, one thing is certain — they’ll all send shivers down your spine.

12 Mysterious Items That Were Easily Cracked by Web Detectives

12 Mysterious Items That Were Easily Cracked by Web Detectives
9 months ago

In the quiet corners of our everyday lives, mysterious little things linger, shrouded in enigma and intrigue. Yet, in the age of digital connectivity, a unique solution emerges—an avenue where the collective wisdom of the internet converges: Reddit. A virtual detective agency of sorts, Reddit users, armed with diverse perspectives and a passion for solving puzzles, willingly delve into the unknown.

12 Products Your Body Will Be Craving During Your Period

12 Products Your Body Will Be Craving During Your Period
year ago

Yes, your period doesn’t have to be filled with pain and discomfort that regular painkillers can’t take away. There are products out there that are not being promoted as much, but can offer double relief. That’s why we took it upon ourselves to help you as much as possible and try to make that time of the month a bit more bearable.

Sandwich Bread Isn’t Bread, and Water Can Be Wetter

Sandwich Bread Isn’t Bread, and Water Can Be Wetter
year ago

Sandwich bread is not entirely ‘real’ bread, water can boil and freeze at the same time, bananas are berries that grow in grass... Believe these or not, but let me ask you: did you know water can be wetter than it is in nature? Find it out in this article!

If All Plants Ate Meat, There’d Be More Oxygen in the Air

If All Plants Ate Meat, There’d Be More Oxygen in the Air
year ago

You check under the sofa. Nope. You open the cupboard. Not there. You lie down on the floor and sneak a peek under your bed. Nah. No kitties there, just dust bunnies. Then, where’s your cat?! Oh no, could that crazy pet slip out through the back door?A wave of panic overwhelms you, and you bolt outside. Your backyard, once green and blooming, is now covered with a thick layer of rock-hard asphalt. Several large fake plants in pots make the dull landscape somewhat more upbeat.

11 Tried-And-True Cleaning Products That Will Remove Annoying Eyesores From Your House

11 Tried-And-True Cleaning Products That Will Remove Annoying Eyesores From Your House
year ago

If keeping your house sparkling clean takes much time and energy, try these 11 Amazon gems that will turn challenging household chores into a piece of cake. Say goodbye to stubborn stains, mold, pet hair and bad odors without spending endless hours brushing and scraping. Amazon customers have already tried these items and shared their impressions (supported by awe-inspiring before and after pics) to make your choice easier.

If You See One of Those Clouds Over Your City, Get Out Fast!

If You See One of Those Clouds Over Your City, Get Out Fast!

Ah...You’re on the grass, looking up at the blue sky, enjoying some singing birds and catching some warm rays. You watch differently shaped clouds soaring slowly, high up into the air.Suddenly you hear a powerful loud rumble coming from far away. You get up and notice a gigantic thick cloud ahead. But it’s not the size that scares you, it’s the shape. The cloud looks like a skull. Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean anything bad’s gonna happen.

Plants Talk, We Just Don’t Hear Them

Plants Talk, We Just Don’t Hear Them
11 months ago

In the loud and hectic world, plants give us peace and quiet. They don’t yell, nor move, just sit there, silent. But... do they? What if I tell you that at this very moment your favorite cactus is kinda texting its plant buddies? And these messages could actually help us humans feed the world? What can plants possibly say to each other? All kinds of things. “Help!” or “Land here!” or “Get off!” or “My fruits are ripe!” And these messages aren’t just being sent by the big plants like trees; even little patches of moss can get quite chatty. Ah, by the way: if you’ve ever taken a whiff of freshly cut grass, you’ve actually been communicating with a plant!

Bizarre Egg-Laying Mountain in China Baffles Scientists

Bizarre Egg-Laying Mountain in China Baffles Scientists
11 months ago

The coldest part of our planet, Antarctica, keeps surprising us. Take a look at this waterfall named Blood Falls. Reddish water falls from the white ice. Scientists concluded that the color is related to iron. The water coming from the glacier oxidizes and rusts when it’s exposed to oxygen, and the red color occurs.

What Would Happen to Your Body If 1000 Mosquitoes Bite You?

What Would Happen to Your Body If 1000 Mosquitoes Bite You?
year ago

So Barry is running along the shore of the lake as fast as possible. He knows that if he stops, his life will turn into a nightmare in no time. 1,000 mosquitoes are about to bite him! But what he doesn’t know is that he’ll be okay after all. So, don’t be afraid, Barry, and stop! Mosquitoes are slow; they fly at a little more than 1 mph. And you can’t run forever. So, after a couple of hours of pointless running, Barry stops. He sweats and emits a smell attractive to insects. One little mosquito flies up to him. It buzzes next to his ear, sits on his sweaty neck, and bites. The insect pierces the skin with a special mouth apparatus called a proboscis. The mosquito starts pumping blood through this needle. Its saliva gets into Barry’s body and causes an allergic reaction. More precisely, it’s Barry’s immune system that starts this reaction. It perceives the mosquito’s saliva as an enemy and sends a unique chemical substance to the bite site.

10 Nifty Products That Will Help You Keep Your Clothes Looking Brand New

10 Nifty Products That Will Help You Keep Your Clothes Looking Brand New
year ago

Say no to spending money on new clothes every season. You can easily wear your favorite T-shirt or a dress for years, and they can look as good as the day you bought them. Whether you’re a fashionista looking to extend the life of your favorite clothes or are someone who wants to save money, we’ve got your back. We made a list of some useful products, so no longer will you have to deal with the frustration of fading colors, pilling fabrics, or stubborn stains.

We Are Not at the Top of the Food Chain, and Here’s Why

We Are Not at the Top of the Food Chain, and Here’s Why
year ago

Picture the food chain as this huge dinner table, where every critter has its place. The problem is, they’re also available for grabs on the menu! We’ve got all sorts of living beings out there, from teensy-weensy algae to enormous blue whales, and they all have one thing in common — they need food to survive. The way every creature manages to survive is because of this never-ending movement of nutrients in nature. Take the grass we walk on: it’s like a self-sufficient chef who cooks up its own meals using sunlight.

Dog Year Isn’t 7 Human Years and 14 Truths Over Myths

Dog Year Isn’t 7 Human Years and 14 Truths Over Myths
year ago

A human year is not the same as a dog year. You might have thought that dogs age seven times faster than we do, but it’s not that simple. A dog that’s been around for one year is, in fact, already 31. It will most likely even have its own little puppies running around. But here’s where it gets tricky. 2 human years don’t necessarily mean that your dog is 62, either. Your buddy will need to be about 4 in our years before it reaches old age. A 4-year-old dog will be 50, but a 7-year-old dog will be 62, and an 8-year-old dog will only be 64. So, they age faster but also slower and slower as time passes by. The next time you’re celebrating your best bud’s birthday, be sure to put lots of candles on the cake and buy even more presents than you normally would!

What If You Didn’t Take Your Shoes Off for a Year

What If You Didn’t Take Your Shoes Off for a Year
year ago

Neon signs and holographic ad banners all around, synth music from invisible speakers — it feels as if you’ve entered some cyberpunk utopia, but in fact, this is a huge mall department where a notorious shoe designer presents their latest collection of sneakers.You’ve been saving up for months to buy this model, so your hands are slightly shaking with excitement. You and other buyers are handed a contract to sign. It says you won’t make a claim against the sneakers’ creator after you put on their new shoes. You sign the document and press on into a large hall with a glass wall. The wall is divided into hundreds of square sections with treasured pairs of sneakers inside. There are big hammers with glowing neon heads on the floor. To get the sneakers, you need to break the glass. You readily do it and take your chosen pair.

This Island Is Rotating and Nobody Knows Its Mystery

This Island Is Rotating and Nobody Knows Its Mystery
year ago

Imagine you’re a movie director looking for beautiful landscapes to shoot a movie. You walk along the picturesque Paraná River and find a perfectly round island in its delta. It’s slightly larger than a soccer field. You come back a few days later and see that the island has changed its position! It’s moved a little to the side and spun around its axis.

What Stops Them Building Bridges Over Amazon River

What Stops Them Building Bridges Over Amazon River
year ago

The Amazon River travels through 9 South American countries at a length of over 4,000 miles. Still, it’s impossible to cross it by a bridge. With the river being the main highway traveling through this dense forest and so few areas populated around the river, there’s just no reason to have one. The river can rise up to 30 feet, and the river crossings that were only 3 miles wide can expand to over 30 miles in just a few short weeks in certain spots, making a bridge nearly impossible to build here.

Why Most Doors Have Gaps at the Bottom And 9 Whys You Haven’t Heard Yet

Why Most Doors Have Gaps at the Bottom And 9 Whys You Haven’t Heard Yet
year ago

Analog television never had a channel 37. Land on that channel, and you’d probably just get static. It’s not like missing the 13th floor in a building — channel 37 is an entirely different story. To go on the air, channel 37 would have to transmit from the 610 MHz band. This was the same frequency that the observatory of the University of Illinois needed for radio astronomy. So, if this channel occupied up the 610 MHz frequency somewhere within 600 miles from the observatory, it would have interfered with their giant 400-foot-long telescope, which is one of our windows into the universe. The radius here is huge. It literally envelops all of the East Coast, together with major cities like Detroit, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and St. Louis.

8 Ways to Make Your Backyard Look More Expensive Without Spending a Fortune

8 Ways to Make Your Backyard Look More Expensive Without Spending a Fortune
2 years ago

A luxurious backyard does not necessarily mean spending much money and hiring a team of professionals to make your patio look chic. In fact, less is more when it comes to creating a stylish and expensive-looking space next to your house. Just a few simple moves and a couple of nice details and voila — you can boast of the best backyard on the block.

10 Animals Who Are Actually Dangerous Despite Their Innocent Looks

10 Animals Who Are Actually Dangerous Despite Their Innocent Looks
2 years ago

There are more than 8 million animal species in nature, and each looks different. Sometimes it seems to us that some of them are simply made to be affectionate and cute, such as a lazy panda or a funny prairie dog. However, even these animals have adapted to the harsh world around them and can be quite dangerous to humans.

Answers to 8 of the Most Popular Questions People Keep Asking Google

Answers to 8 of the Most Popular Questions People Keep Asking Google
2 years ago

There are so many questions and so many unsolved mysteries out there. Luckily, we have the Internet at hand, so we can get an answer to any question we want. Interestingly enough, some questions occupy the minds of millions of people, and they turn to Google for help so often that an enormous list of the most frequently asked questions has appeared.

8 Hacks to Save Your Life If You Get Lost in the Wild

8 Hacks to Save Your Life If You Get Lost in the Wild
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

Modern people get used to the comfortable life with technology and start to forget what it means to survive in the wild. There is not a big chance of this happening, but still, you can get lost while camping with your friends, for example. So it’s good to know some simple hacks that you can whip out if you find yourself alone in nature.

20+ Stunning Facts About Life in Switzerland That We Didn’t Know

20+ Stunning Facts About Life in Switzerland That We Didn’t Know
3 years ago

For several years, Switzerland has been considered to be the best country to live in. It’s not surprising: this is a country of comfort and stunning nature. You can finish working at the office and in 15 minutes, you can be swimming in a lake. But, aside from the famous breathtaking landscapes, tasty chocolate, and reliable banks, the country has something else to surprise its visitors with.

People Share Things That Are Not as Old as We Thought

People Share Things That Are Not as Old as We Thought
3 years ago

We sometimes find ourselves scratching our head, trying to make sense of things when we find out some surprising new facts. For example, finding out that sharks are actually older than a whole feature of an incredibly old planet in our galaxy. It can be somewhat mind-boggling. We at Bright Side were pretty surprised to find out the age of some of these things, and we would like to share them with you.

22 Cubs Who Don’t Look Like Their Parents at All

22 Cubs Who Don’t Look Like Their Parents at All
4 years ago

Most animal cubs are small copies of their parents, and they are all so different: some will grow up to be predators, some will feed only on grass and fruits, and some will fly to distant lands. But there are newborn babies who can only be recognized when they are next to their mothers. Bright Side put together 22 photos of newborn animals and birds who don’t look like their mothers and fathers at all.