Toilet paper

A Woman Who Eats Toilet Paper Says It’s the “Perfect Snack”

A Woman Who Eats Toilet Paper Says It’s the “Perfect Snack”
11 months ago

Many of us have unique eating habits that might seem strange to others, but some people take it to another level. A woman from Chicago named Kinah has been eating toilet paper for 20 years and has spent over a thousand dollars annually for what she refers to as “the perfect snack.”

What May Happen If You Use Wet Toilet Paper Instead of the Regular Kind, According to Science

What May Happen If You Use Wet Toilet Paper Instead of the Regular Kind, According to Science
year ago

Wet wipes have recently become a must-have in terms of cleansing materials. And it’s no wonder, as they look like a fancier, cleaner version of ordinary toilet paper. In addition to this, people tend to believe that the “wet” method of wiping is more thorough, leaving the buttocks cleaner than standard toilet paper. And while so many people swear by this hygienic practice, some experts say it’s time to forget about these wet wipes for good.

Why Most Asians Don’t Have Toilet Paper in Their Homes

Why Most Asians Don’t Have Toilet Paper in Their Homes
year ago

In numerous countries around the world, toilet hygiene practices diverge significantly from the common use of toilet paper. A fascinating example of this can be found in countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and India, where traditional bathrooms often feature a wide, scoop-like plastic implement, known as a “dipper,” which is utilized for personal hygiene. But that’s not all; in Japan, they’ve taken toilet innovation to a whole new level with the development of specialized toilets featuring cleansing seats that offer an experience akin to a bidet.Diving deeper into this intriguing phenomenon, one can’t help but wonder what drives these alternative practices in Asia, and it turns out there’s a multitude of reasons, both cultural and medical, that shed light on this unique approach to personal hygiene.Culturally, many of these practices are deeply rooted in tradition and local customs. In countries like India, for instance, the use of water instead of toilet paper can be traced back centuries, as it aligns with the principles of cleanliness and purity outlined in ancient texts. Similarly, in Indonesia and the Philippines, the practice of using a dipper and water is not only practical but also culturally significant, reflecting a connection to the environment and a holistic approach to hygiene.Moreover, medical considerations play a pivotal role in the preference for water-based hygiene methods. In regions where certain waterborne diseases are more prevalent, such as Southeast Asia, the use of water for cleaning is seen as a safer and more effective way to prevent contamination and maintain personal health. The feeling of cleanliness and freshness that water provides can also be psychologically reassuring, contributing to its popularity.Additionally, the invention of advanced toilet technology, like the aforementioned Japanese cleansing seats, has further bolstered the adoption of alternative methods. These innovations not only provide a luxurious and efficient cleansing experience but also align with Japan’s penchant for cutting-edge technology.

What People Did Before Toilet Paper Existed

What People Did Before Toilet Paper Existed
4 years ago

China was mass-producing toilet paper in the fourteenth century but it only appeared in the Western world in the mid-1800s. However, it took some time and effort to make the revolutionary product popular. People preferred to adhere to traditional methods and resorted to all kinds of unexpected items to maintain their bathroom hygiene.

11 Subtle Signs That Secretly Reveal How Poor or Wealthy You Are

11 Subtle Signs That Secretly Reveal How Poor or Wealthy You Are
Tips & tricks
2 months ago

Many people endeavor to appear wealthier than they truly are. This isn’t necessarily indicative of their real financial status; there’s always the aspiration to present oneself better. However, crafting this illusion is often more challenging than it looks. Small details can easily shatter the facade we strive so hard to maintain.

11 Reasons You Should Pay Attention to Your Poop

11 Reasons You Should Pay Attention to Your Poop
year ago

In our pursuit of good health, we often overlook the body’s unique methods of communicating vital information. One such overlooked aspect is our feces. Typically, it’s a subject we’d rather avoid discussing, but today, we’ll shed light on why paying closer attention to this bodily function is essential.

Everyday Items That Changed Dramatically Over Time

Everyday Items That Changed Dramatically Over Time
year ago

Wanna play a game? Can you count how many technical gadgets you use during your day? Don’t forget to count your router, lint remover, and every light bulb... Well? 5? 7? Maybe 15? Studies claim that the average household in the USA currently owns around 25 electronic devices. In 2019, this number was more than half lower! The modern speed of life makes it easy to forget that our everyday essentials have history. Let’s do some time travel to refresh our memory. Chances are you’ll never take your toilet paper for granted again.

17 Times Bad Luck Just Wouldn’t Quit

17 Times Bad Luck Just Wouldn’t Quit
year ago

Some people just can’t seem to get a break. It’s like they’re playing a never-ending game of bad luck tag. From finding a huge insect on their toilet paper to getting the completely wrong order, their life feels like a series of funny mishaps. But they don’t let it get them down — they keep rolling with the punches and finding the humor in the chaos. It just goes to show that a positive attitude can beat even the worst streaks of bad luck.

21 Simple Objects With Secrets You Didn’t Catch

21 Simple Objects With Secrets You Didn’t Catch
year ago

Did you ever notice that the toilet paper color is usually white? But this color wasn’t always a favorite. In fact, colored toilet paper popped out on the shelves in the 1950s. Homeowners purchased pink, blue, yellow, green, and even black paper because these colors matched the interior. But eventually, many doctors began to associate the dye in colored toilet papers with increased health risks. Also, the dye didn’t allow the colored paper to decompose as quickly when it was flushed down, which increased the risk of clogging septic tanks. This made manufacturing and retail prices too high compared to the basic white paper. And eventually, the demand began to fall.

10 Practical Things That Should Actually Be a Part of Every Household

10 Practical Things That Should Actually Be a Part of Every Household
year ago

The first dishwasher ever invented was by Joel Houghton, but the tool we use today was actually founded by Josephine Cochran, a woman who got fed up with her delicate china being chipped while she was hand-washing it. The dishwasher they invented helps us all tremendously, and we wanted to do the same for you, so we compiled this list of items.

10 Surprising Viking Facts Movies Miss

10 Surprising Viking Facts Movies Miss
11 months ago

We are used to seeing Vikings as they are portrayed in movies: unkempt, unwashed, and very harsh. However, in reality, they were perhaps the most well-groomed people of their time. Ancient Scandinavians loved to bathe, kept their clothes clean, and would not have minded visiting a barber shop if they had one.

Why Some Trees Are Painted White + 11 Unobvious Why-s

Why Some Trees Are Painted White + 11 Unobvious Why-s
year ago

Have you ever sat in the bathroom wondering why toilet paper has fancy patterns on them? Well if you’re in there long enough, I guess you would finally get around to that. Turns out, those prints actually serve a purpose. They use the prints to fluff up the paper a bit and make it more absorbent. The unique patterns help differentiate different companies’ products on the market. Also, recycled toilet paper is a thing, but it’s not as popular or well-sold in the US as it is in Europe and Latin America. And that’s all I have to say about that.

How to Use a Bidet

How to Use a Bidet
year ago

A bidet is a thing that can replace toilet paper. It can be used as an additional hygiene tool after using the toilet. Also, bidets are useful for people that have digestion problems and women during their periods.

8 Things You Should Never Flush Down Your Toilet

8 Things You Should Never Flush Down Your Toilet
year ago

Ideally, nothing should get into your toilet apart from toilet paper, pee, and poo. However, oftentimes people use it as a garbage bin, flushing down everything that, for some reason was unfit for a regular trash bin. It can become the reason for the unpleasant smells in the lavatory and even toilet clogs.

17 Kids Who Have No Idea How Funny They Are

17 Kids Who Have No Idea How Funny They Are

Kids are the source of headaches and fun at the same time. No one can make you scratch your head quite like them. Children have their own rules of life and their own logic. And that’s fantastic because we could use some unconventional things in our adult routine.

Thank Your Lucky Stars You’re Not Living in the Middle Ages

Thank Your Lucky Stars You’re Not Living in the Middle Ages
year ago

None of us have lived in the Medieval times, including me, and, I have to say, lucky us. People back then would just not believe many products we use today. And we don’t even realize how hard our life would be without the simplest things we take for granted today. Let’s dive into the life of the Middle Ages, and you’ll see for yourself.

11 Things We’re Doing Wrong and What We Should Be Doing Instead

11 Things We’re Doing Wrong and What We Should Be Doing Instead
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

The things we do on a daily basis did not come from a manual that tells us what is wrong and right. We do these things because we are used to them or because we saw them being done by someone else, but there are many ways to make our lives easier by changing a few steps.At Bright Side, we compiled a list of tips to make our lives more convenient by changing our regular routine into something different that could be a game-changer.

12 Ways to Help Household Items Last Longer and Not Get Damaged

12 Ways to Help Household Items Last Longer and Not Get Damaged

Having your favorite sweater shrink after washing it or your only razor getting rusty not long after purchasing it can feel like a major letdown. Luckily, some people have grown to become experts in the preservation of household items, and they are generously sharing simple but precious tips with everyone on the Internet.

Why It’s Better to Stop Using Toilet Paper

Why It’s Better to Stop Using Toilet Paper
2 years ago

Toilet paper seems like the ultimate bathroom hygiene essential. But, in fact, in many Asian countries, people don’t even have it in their bathrooms. When it comes to toilet paper, most of us want the softest roll with the nicest smell possible, but chances are we don’t even think about how it might not be the healthiest way to stay clean.

10 Things It’s Better Not to Save on, Even If You Have a Limited Budget

10 Things It’s Better Not to Save on, Even If You Have a Limited Budget
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

Frugality is a commendable character feature. However, sometimes we forget that saving on something is good only when it’s reasonable. This means that you should think a few steps ahead before making the final choice between something cheap and something expensive. That’s because there’s a chance you won’t gain anything, and your comfort level will decrease significantly.

15 People Who Are the Geniuses of Extraordinary Solutions

15 People Who Are the Geniuses of Extraordinary Solutions
2 years ago

People’s creativity has no borders when it comes to inventive solutions. Your dusty old umbrella can be the perfect solution for carrying tens of shopping bags in one go and if you’re having a hard time making friends, someone’s little sister has the perfect strategy for you. And in case you want to know how an art student keeps burglar squirrels at bay, just keep scrolling for some good old laughs.

13 Signs That Can Make Any Host Welcoming and Inviting

13 Signs That Can Make Any Host Welcoming and Inviting
3 years ago

We all like to host guests at home sometimes. Even despite this fact, this is not an easy activity. All because you need to put in so much effort and think through many details not mess up. After all, we all want our guests to have pleasant memories from visiting our lodges.

14 Items That Make Your Bathroom Look Messy

14 Items That Make Your Bathroom Look Messy
3 years ago

The first thing we do every morning is visit the bathroom. But every bathroom is different. In one, you may want to stay longer and enjoy yourself, while in the other, you will try to finish up and get out as soon as possible. That’s because it’s all about the atmosphere and cleanliness of your bathroom.

What 7 Tiny Details in Your Bathroom Can Reveal About You

What 7 Tiny Details in Your Bathroom Can Reveal About You
3 years ago

You might not know this, but how you arrange the items in your bathroom can give away many facts about yourself. Things like whether you roll your toilet paper over or under can indicate things about your personality. But before you shrug this notion off, read below to find out what experts say about this and see if things match up with your mindset.

15+ Facts That Prove They Didn’t Tell Us the Coolest Things About Ancient Rome in School

15+ Facts That Prove They Didn’t Tell Us the Coolest Things About Ancient Rome in School
3 years ago

The words ’Ancient Rome’ evoke images of the Colosseum, gladiators, and patricians in snow-white togas. But do we really know how people used to live back in those days? You’d be surprised at how many things they didn’t teach you about the Romans in school. Of course, many of the particulars of that civilization are too far removed from our reality. But, oddly enough, it had cultural features that would look very familiar to any modern person!

9 Hot Facts About Chile That’ll Bewilder Most Foreigners

9 Hot Facts About Chile That’ll Bewilder Most Foreigners
3 years ago

Many people associate Chile with the pepper of the same name and lofty mountains that occupy the wide territories of this country. Like any other people, the Chileans have cultural peculiarities that foreigners don’t easily understand. But some of their habits are so unusual that they might shock an unprepared traveler.

20 People Reveal the Strangest Complaints They’ve Heard From Their Partners

20 People Reveal the Strangest Complaints They’ve Heard From Their Partners
3 years ago

Communication is, and always will be, the single most important thing to make sure your marriage lasts. Couples should even think about pursuing ways to open new channels of dialogue over the years. But sometimes, opening up means that you have to cope with complaints about something that doesn’t really make much sense. This is why endless conversations can be important. Because they help you figure out whether those complaints are actually true or not, and that’s a great way to improve any relationship.