15+ Pets Who Probably Were Humans in a Past Life

6 years ago

We often notice that animals try to be more like us. Especially our pets when, for example, dogs sit like humans, cats imitate our speech, and birds forget that they should sleep sitting, not lying down. This seems really cute, but why do they do these things?

We at Bright Side don’t know the answer to this question, we just want to share these cute photos with you.

1. “Dad is exhausted after a long day with the kids.”

2. “This is how you sit on the sofa!”

3. “She just loves to sit like a human because why not?”

4. “My dad and his ’step-cat’ watching YouTube”

5. This dog missed his owners so much that he took off his leash and went to a store looking for them. Unfortunately, a guard wouldn’t let the dog in, so it just returned to its original spot and continued waiting.

6. This cat just loves warm places.

7. He’s just enjoying some good music.

8. What a perfect family!

9. Take time to stop and smell the forest.

10. “My girl posed for a photo right after giving birth...”

11. This dog looks like he’s in a photo shoot for a famous magazine.

12. Ducks walking on snow for the first time!

13. A cat that loves books

14. These dogs realize that sitting at a desk is essential for learning things well.

15. Kung fu master

16. My dad taking my old dog for a drive

17. When you become more and more suspicious with age:

Have you ever seen your pets do anything human-like?

Preview photo credit Unicornglitteryblood / reddit


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