5 is cute but im trying to figure out why he is bringing boots when the person just got home
20+ Stories That Prove Not Only Do People Care About Dogs, but Vice Versa
4 years ago
We are used to surrounding our pets with love and care, but when we get the same from them, it makes us really happy. How can you not cry when your dog gives you his favorite toy before you leave? Or when, in the middle of the night, your dog follows you to the bathroom because you never know what dangers might lurk around the corner.
We at Bright Side absolutely love the dogs that are ready to do anything for their owners. They are our heroes.
1. “Bonnie put her favorite toy on my packed suitcase... Oh man, the feels.”
2. “This is Eddie. He works as a therapy dog for kids in intensive care. His little bag is full of toys for them. He even wears a hospital ID with his picture on it.”
3. “My dog (Kara) is just checking to see if I’m alive in the bathroom.”
4. “Even though she’s a baby herself, she bravely stands guard against the birds and squirrels who might dare threaten her little human.”
5. “My dog brought me a pair of boots when I got home. I’m truly honored.”
6. “My dog brought me her favorite toy when she heard me crying in the bath after a very stressful day at work.”
7. “My dog grabbing a piece of my clothing to cuddle with while we weren’t home! She didn’t chew it, she just snuggled.”
8. “My dog always needs to be touching my arm. We were her fourth home in 11 months. She’s finally in her forever home and I think she knows. She’s always got a paw on me, especially when I’m emotional.”
9. “I just want someone to look at me the way my dog looks at me.”
10. “My mom’s dentist office has therapy dogs for nervous patients like her.”
11. “My folk’s dog greets me every morning with a gift. Today it was a feather.”
12. “Lola, my grandmother’s dog, brings her blanket to you if she likes you.”
13. “People said that I should post this here. My disabled mother trained her dog to pick up her phone when she drops it.”
14. “My dog has seen me workout at home many times now, and he just brought me one of my dumbbells.”
15. “After a lifelong phobia of dogs, my mom seems to be getting over it. This is how she and my dog look at each other.”
16. “My girl brought me a pencil while I was drawing. Looking super cute while doing it too!”
17. “This adopted pit can’t stop hugging his new owner.”
18. “This good boy always protects me while I’m in the bathroom, even if he is really, really sleepy.”
19. “This is Freya. She brought me out of a dark place and I’ve never been happier.”
20. “This is my dog waiting for my dad to get home from work. This isn’t the best picture, but I think it’s very cute!”
21. “This is Chloe. She took a dangerous noodle (copperhead) bite to the face last night protecting my dad. And she got to come home today! 13/10 bravest puppy”
22. “Woke up to Leonard freaking out, jumping on me, trying to lick my face at 5 a.m. (which he never does), before I realized the fire alarm was going off, and there was smoke in the hallway of my apartment complex.”
Do you have pets? Have they ever done something for you? How do they show their love and care?
Preview photo credit erinmarie093 / Twitter
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I love it when these big dogs show their emotions!
number 11 is so sweet with the gifts
brave smart dog 22
I can't see the pictures
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