A Girl Breeds Maine Coons Whose Faces Look a Lot Like Human Ones

2 years ago

Today, like in the times of Ancient Egypt, the cult of cats is very present. Our social media newsfeeds are full of millions of videos and photos of furry felines who get crazy amounts of “likes” daily. As a result, it becomes more and more difficult to surprise sophisticated cat-lovers. However, Tatiana Rastorgueva, the owner of Catsvill County, managed to do it perfectly. She actually breeds a special type of Maine Coons with human faces.

One of the Bright Side authors interviewed Tatiana and learned something interesting about her work and the cats she breeds.

— Tatiana, how did you begin breeding cats? Why Maine Coons?

— I love animals a lot and cats have always been a part of my life. One fine day, I realized they were my calling. I started to breed cats professionally in 2002; since 2004 I have been working with Maine Coons exclusively. They totally conquered my heart. This breed is unique.

— Why do faces of some cats look so human?

— Each breeder has their own perception of the breed. And for future breeding, they select cats with those features that are important to them. I can say that while working with the breed, I was outlining the type of Maine Coons that I like. That’s why now, my cats have a recognizable “face.” It’s a result of the long and thorough work of the breeder.

— What character traits do the cats of this breed have?

— Maine Coons are affectionate giants in a silk fur coat. They can connect to a person like no one else and are always ready to be there to help. I call them “Labradors of the feline world.” We all need love and kindness — that’s what we’ve come to this world for. And it’s animals who demonstrate their unconditional love for us. They love us just because we are near. Maine Coons are able to show this love perfectly.

— What should a person who wants to get a Maine Coon know about the breed?

— Just like with any other breed or animal, a person should keep in mind that it’s a living creature with its own spiritual nature and requirements that they will have to deal with for many years. Maine Coons, just like other cats, should have a healthy diet, proper care, and regular veterinary check-ups.

How do you relate to Maine Coons? Would you like to get one for yourself?

Please note: This article was updated in April 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit catsvill_county / Instagram


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Check out your local Animal Shelter. Yep, I've seen a Maine Coon Human-Face-Russian type at PIMA County, Tucson AZ shelter. Adopted one from the Alexander Animal Welfare League in Alexander, VA. Both seniors cats, both dumped by relatives after their elderly owners passed. Also adopted one 8mo Maine Coon-X from the Shelter in the Arlington, VA. Of course, so many PETFINDER and shelter listings are calling anything hairy "Maine Coon-X!" ....The flavor of the decade, and it gets cats sold lol!


If you love animals then you don't produce for money in your wallet more when our shelters are over crowded and pets are being killed every single day. Shame on you.

Please stop reporting on this woman and other breeders and promoting the trend animal of the month.


I want one so bad, but I know I'll never have enough money to buy one. I just lost a dog some one rat poisoner she was no. I have to other dogs and for my birthday I got a chinchilla. It's a wonderful thing to own a chinchilla. Now 2 things left to get A COON CAT & a munchkin.....the one coon I really likes was one I seen on Fb this week .grumpy old man . The look very mad looking .I find the help me to deal with loss of a dear MOTHER 228001 71YEARS OLD and a loving SON 2009....28 YEARS OLD .AND IM ON DISABILITY BECASE GRIEF LOVE ANIMAL MORE THAN PEOPLE .THEY HAVE STOOD BY ME TROUGH ALL IVE BEEN THROUGH MORE THAN PEOPLE UNCONDITIONALLY ......


2 years ago we found 2 little for balls hiding under one of our cars, they were not even 3 weeks old. So the wife and I started to bottle feed the pair. The male was my little pig for the first 3 months feeding every 4 hours. They both slept in our bed and now he is only a half breed, so he'll never get to the fill size of his potentials. We raised them with our min-pins, our blind dogs. Both on instincts too to the daily washing and helped nurture these two fluff ball. My coon is at 18 pounds and keeps the other cats in their perspective order. He follows me everywhere in the house, in the office he climbs up into my shoulders while I'm busy working. The female still is developing into her perspective of the coon theater.

A very loving pair of cats that play well with all our cats.

Comment with image on Bright Side

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