10 Dog Breeds That You May Not See Around So Often

2 years ago

There are over 340 dog breeds known throughout the world. Dogs come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, and according to the American Kennel Club, labradors, bulldogs, poodles, and dachshunds are the norm on US streets. But what about those breeds that you don’t get to see every day? There are several unique paws out there that can leave you scratching your head, wondering what exact breed they are.

We can’t resist learning something new here at Bright Side, so grab a jacket and some treats, and let’s take these 10 unique dog breeds for a walk around the neighborhood. We’re pretty sure those special doggos will make jaws drop all around them.

Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranians were developed in the province of Pomerania from the ancient Spitz breeds. They love meeting new people, they are good with kids, and they get along well with other animals. These tiny dogs are very active indoors and are good choices for apartments. This dog has been popular among royals since the eighteenth century — at one time, Queen Victoria had 35 of them in the royal kennels.

These animals are super friendly, lively, and playful, but they can be temperamental with other dogs and people to prove their dominance. Although they are small, they tend to bark a lot due to their defensiveness when they hear outside noises. Pomeranians are smart and can be successful in receiving what they wish from their owners. They love to be put first and are a bit stubborn. If you want to train your Pomeranian properly, using toys may help.

Dogo Argentino

This dog will serve its owners as a loyal hunter and guardian. It asks for constant training and firm leadership, and the response is often impressive due to its high intelligence level. It is big and has short white hair with some black spots on the skin. It’s very muscular, and its body is quite strong. This breed’s height can differ between males and females.

If you know what an American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier look like, you might have a general idea of what this breed has to offer. These doggos are generally trained for search and rescue, police assistance, assisting the blind, and service. They’re very smart and courageous — they instinctively want to take care of and protect their home and family. They don’t like being left out during family gatherings, but one of their flaws is that they’re very temperamental.


Akitas originated in Japan, but today there are 2 separate varieties: a Japanese strain and an American strain. These dogs are very loyal, but they can also be stubborn and dominant and require a lot of training. They have a big head with triangle ears, and their eyes are small and dark. They have thick hair, and their feet look similar to those of a cat.

Generally, these dogs can have red, sesame, brindle, and white fur. Akitas are very low-maintenance when it comes to grooming needs — they groom themselves as cats do, and if you decide to do it for them, it shouldn’t be difficult. They shed quite a lot, so daily brushing may be an excellent way to reduce the issue. They need to be bathed every few months, but you may do it more often, depending on your needs.

Also, it is advisable to clean their ears once a week and cut their toenails each month — they are quite the princesses. Akitas are very territorial about their home and shy away from strangers. One flaw they have is that they don’t tolerate other dogs of the same gender.


Historically, this was a herding breed. But today, these dogs are good guardians and very protective of their families. They are often used as search and rescue dogs, police dogs, and guide dogs. It is considered one of the oldest dog breeds and goes way back to Roman times.

Back then, they were considered the driving dogs — they would be natural caretakers, protect people, and drive their cattle. Now, we see them as strong, firm dogs with deep chests and layered coats. Their undercoat may not be present if they live in a hot area. Rottweilers are low-maintenance, but they shed a lot, and if they have a long or wavy coat, it is considered a flaw for this breed.

Pharaoh Hound

Though they look exactly like ancient Egyptian dogs, they have no Egyptian ancestry. Their origin is a mystery and they are intelligent, active, and friendly. And these dogs “blush” when they get excited: their nose and ears turn a deep rose color. They’re slender and graceful — their head is long, and their hair is very short but glowing.

Because they have short hair, they don’t need much brushing — it is enough to brush it lightly every day or each weak, heavily. Bathing them isn’t that necessary unless they really need it because they have sensitive skin, so too much bathing might not be a good idea. However, the Pharaoh’s ears must be clean and their nails trimmed regularly. Taking care of their teeth is also a must; they need professional dental cleanings, and you may brush their teeth at home as well.


This African breed is comprised of hunters that can reach speeds of 40 miles per hour. They need lots of physical activity and are amiable and love their humans and other dogs. The Azawakh breed is highly attached to their owners, but they can also get along without them. With people and other animals that they accept, they’re very friendly, gentle, and affectionate.

However, with strangers, they are reserved and don’t like to be petted, but this doesn’t mean they’re aggressive. They generally don’t attack, even though they are raised to protect their loved ones from predators. But if they are threatened, then they certainly do. They have a lot of high energy and great endurance, and if you’re a runner, it’s a good idea to take this breed along with you.

But try to avoid taking them out in the rain or cold weather, as they aren’t big fans of it. Not only are they fast and well built, but they’re also smart — they have a great memory and can recognize faces, even after a long time of not seeing them.

Tibetan Mastiff

Ancient nomadic tribes of China, Nepal, and Tibet used these dogs to protect sheep from predators. The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the world’s largest and most protective breeds. These dogs can reach 33 inches in height and weigh 160 pounds. These dogs aren’t very comfortable in apartments or small spaces — a big, spacious yard is more enjoyable for them.

When it comes to their personality, they are very easy-going and protective. However, it’s advisable not to leave them alone with strangers throughout the night since they are more active, alert, and aware. They like to get cozy and sleep during the day, and it is recommended to get them obedience training since they are very smart but stubborn. Tibetan mastiffs are great family dogs unless the family isn’t properly training them.

Chow Chow

This Chinese breed is one of the oldest dog breeds in existence today, and they used to be good at herding, hunting, guarding, and pulling. Today, they are good companions and come in multiple colors, including red, black, blue, cinnamon, and cream. They also have a unique black tongue. They don’t really trust strangers and can become overprotective of their owners and territory.

They aren’t too active, so living in a house suits them, but they will need exercise to prevent boredom and restlessness. Although they protect all family members, they are overprotective of only 1 or 2 members. Engaging with them when they are puppies is essential so they can adjust when they get older. Chow chows are generally easy-going by nature, but they can get aggressive toward dogs of the same gender (especially their own breed).


Löwchen means “little lion” in German, and this breed is often given a “lion” trim too. They have been recognized as a breed since the Renaissance and can even be spotted in some Renaissance paintings. This used to be a dog for noblemen, but nowadays, it’s pretty rare.

They are known to be very friendly, healthy, and happy dogs. Playful, active, and intelligent, these dogs are great house pets, especially if there are children around. They don’t like to be left alone for a long time and need quite a bit of attention from their owners.


This fluffy beauty was bred in Siberia to help herd reindeer and pull sleds. Their upturned mouths look like a smile, making them charming and helpful friends and companions. Samoyeds don’t make good guards — they are a happy, smiley type of dog. However, they tend to bark a lot when someone comes into their territory.

Nevertheless, they’re great friends for kids and even other dogs. One unique characteristic of theirs is that they stay playful, even at an old age. But they can get bored, become a bit destructive, and start digging, so it may be best to walk them more often and keep them entertained.

Did you enjoy walking alongside all these great dog breeds? Do you know or own a dog from a breed that most people don’t see as frequently every day? What is the most memorable dog breed you’ve seen? Please share your opinions and experiences in the comments below.

Please note: This article was updated in June 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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