10 Celebs’ Habits That Seem Weird at First but Have an Explanation

year ago

study found that habits arise because they are like shortcuts — we do them without realizing it. Most of us would agree that we have habits that are tough to crack, but at the end of the day, we get the most out of it by doing something we secretly want.

At Bright Side, we gathered a list of celebrities and their strange habits that will either make others doubt them or agree that they too are guilty.

1. Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz has a weird habit. She said, “[My stylist] will refuse to do my makeup until I eat because as soon as I take 2 bites, 3 bites, my skin changes. Then my skin can’t hold the makeup.”

2. Demi Moore

Demi Moore revealed that she uses blood-sucking leeches to detoxify her body. She said, “These aren’t just swamp leeches, these are highly trained medical leeches. They detoxify your blood. And they have a little enzyme that when they’re biting down on you gets released into your blood and generally, you bleed for quite a bit. And your health is optimized.”

3. Katy Perry

It was reported that Katy Perry brushes her teeth 4 to 6 times a day. She said, “I brush my teeth all the time. I wanted them to be, like, Britney Spears white. I used to grow up seeing her music videos and was like, ’What does she do? Does she get a new set of teeth all the time? They’re so white.’”

4. Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton has this weird habit, and she revealed that she does it often. She said, “I knock on wood if someone says something that I don’t want to happen. Or I always make a wish at 11:11.” She clearly believes in superstitions.

5. Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson has an unusual fear of mirrors. She even stated that she dislikes seeing herself on television or in mirrors because she can’t handle seeing her own reflection because she has a fear of mirrors.

6. James McAvoy

James McAvoy has a peculiar habit of saying “white rabbit” to complete strangers. He said, “On the first of every month, I have to say ’white rabbit’ to the first person I see. My grandmother taught me that it’s good luck to say it.”

7. Alia Bhatt

Alia Bhatt reveals that she only uses men’s cologne; it has become a habit of hers. She said, “If the guy smells nice, there is an instant attraction. I use only men’s perfume. I change my perfume every month.” She reasoned that women’s perfume smells like fruit and is too sweet.

8. Snooki

Snooki, also known as Nicole Polizzi, has a skincare routine that leaves us all scratching our heads. She revealed that she exfoliates her skin with cat litter, and she even explained, “Clean cat litter! That’s a relief!” She came up with this since she enjoys researching low-cost alternatives to high-cost products.

9. Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson revealed that he doesn’t wash his hair for a long time and it has become a habit of his. He explained, “I have so much residue in my hair from years and years of not washing it and not having any sense of personal hygiene whatsoever.” He reasoned, “If you don’t wash it for 6 weeks, you won’t have to wash it ever again. Until it gets unbearable.”

10. Kit Harington

Kit Harrington’s habit is to carry his pen wherever he goes. He called it his lucky pen. He said, “I’ve got a lucky pen — it’s one I’ve had since I was a kid, and I carry it everywhere. And I haven’t lost it yet, I’ve lost everything else.”

Which of these celebs piques your interest the most? Do you have any weird habits? Tell us in the comments.


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