I had a guess that ears can hear differently :p
I have a fishbowl in my roon and at night I can hear the bubbles from its air supply machine very clearnly and it can be a little bit annoying sometimes. I have noticed when I turn to my left side I don't hear the sound so good and can sleep normally, but when I turn to my right side it gets really loud.
Now I can see why
11 Everyday Habits We Had No Idea Could Change Our Lives Immensely
The human brain is still one of the biggest mysteries for scientists. Many people think that we only use 10% of its potential but in reality, this is not true. It’s just that we don’t even notice the biggest part of the brain’s work, which is done subconsciously. And, obviously, we do use some of the features of our subconscious, even if we don’t notice we’re doing it.
Bright Side is convinced that even though there are still a lot of things we don’t know about the human brain, we should use the tricks that we’re already aware of.
The way a person behaves during a conversation says a lot about their social status.
At least, this is what psychologists from the University of California suggest. According to their experiment, a wealthy person often gets distracted while talking on the phone. They can be disengaged with behaviors like fidgeting and doodling. This is because rich people don’t depend on the opinion of others as much.
Music can restore memory.
Scientists found that music can stimulate memories. It can even music-evoke autobiographical memories in people with Alzheimer’s disease or those with acquired brain injuries. So if you have a hard time remembering things, maybe music can help.
This is because music is able to influence every part of the brain. Besides, we connect emotions with music, this is why memories come back so vividly when we hear a significant song.
People lie more often when texting than when in a live conversation.
The reason is pretty simple: in order to lie to someone, it takes a lot of effort. Also, you need to look normal, maintain an acceptable facial expression, and keep an open posture in order for the person to believe you.
And you don’t have to do this when texting. A recent study showed that people often lie when texting. On the other hand, they have a harder time lying when they are on a video or audio chat. When brokers were communicating with buyers through texting, buyers were 95% more likely to report being lied to than if they were communicating through video chat.
You can determine a person’s character by their shoes.
According to psychologists, you can tell a lot about a person’s character by the shoes they wear. For example, it is believed that shoes that are in good condition belong to a more conscious owner while that may not be the case.
People who wear running shoes are more goal-oriented and those who choose flashy stilettos are hard-workers and have great taste.
Sports drinks are effective, even if you don’t drink them.
Sports drinks are a huge business that earns a lot of money. This is why they are widely advertised and people are convinced that they are very useful. Yes, sports drinks work. But not because of a special secret formula, but because your brain treats sugar as a reward for good work and your performance becomes better.
In fact, you don’t even need to drink it, you can just swish it around in your mouth and get the same pleasure. If you are looking for a healthy replacement for sports drinks, make a smoothie or eat a banana.
People who don’t think about the future are happier than those who have plans.
The difference between thinking about driving a car and actually driving one is great, isn’t it? In fact, our thoughts about the future only make our lives worse.
This may seem strange but some languages don’t even have a future tense. And according to this research, people who speak these languages make better decisions in the here and now, and overall feel happier.
Music makes you stronger.
Almost everyone listens to music when they work out. Scientists say that it’s not just a pleasure for your ears, but it is also useful for your health. And according to their study, music increases your performance, allows you to lift weights for a longer time, and makes you run faster.
It is especially effective if the rhythm of the music is the same as the rhythm of the exercise: this way, it will take way less effort, and it will still be effective. Your overall stamina also increases when your mind is not busy with emotions and is instead busy listening to music.
Smelling good makes you more attractive.
A recent study done by scientists from Liverpool discovered that people who smell good are found to be more attractive. Volunteers were asked to divide up into 2 groups: one group used perfume and the second one didn’t. After that, they were filmed on camera and shown to a third group of volunteers who were supposed to estimate the attractiveness of each person.
The results were amazing: the people who used the perfume seemed more attractive, even though the members of the third group couldn’t smell them. According to scientists, people feel more confident when they know that they smell nice. So, don’t forget to use perfume in order to help yourself feel more confident and look more attractive.
Starving can change your circadian rhythms.
Everyone has probably been in a situation where they’ve stayed up almost all night for a couple of nights in a row and went to bed early in the morning. After a few nights like this, we have to reset our body’s clock in order to be able to go to work in a couple of days. Of course, you could try to teach your body a different schedule by abruptly waking up early after your late night party spree, but who wants to do that?
There is a way to make your body reboot and correct its internal clock. You just need to refrain from eating for about 16 hours. The thing is, our circadian rhythms depend on food just as much as they do on light.
Sleep helps you memorize information.
If you need to learn a lot of information, it is best to start learning one day before you need the knowledge. And scientists claim that it is very important to get good sleep the night before an exam. An experiment showed that if you start learning something one day before an exam, it is much more effective than if you start learning something just 20 minutes before the exam.
When you are asleep, your brain processes the information that was acquired during the day. It basically works like a computer: if you shut down other applications, the main system will work faster. The same goes for the brain: when there is no need to control the body, the brain processes information much faster.
Every ear hears things in a different way.
Scientists claim that our left ear hears things differently than our right one. They developed differently because of the different functions of our brain hemispheres. As a result, the right ear hears speech better and the left one hears music better.
Bonus: What makes a person successful?
Reading every day and waking up early in the morning has been proven to be the keys to becoming successful. Reading reduces stress and works like a gym for the brain. It improves your memory and upgrades your vocabulary so you can communicate your thoughts way more efficiently. Waking up early allows you to use your body’s most productive hours. You can do things faster and better in the morning while you are still fresh and full of energy.
Which of these tricks do you think you can use in your everyday life?
Music brings back a lot of memories.
Sadly, it doesnt work when you try to study. I can't concentrate and start singing along, as a result I can't remember anything! :D
I always listen to music at the sport gym, it has a power of charging up with energy and makes me work-out more :P
I think it's better to make your own sports "shake" at home with bananas, berries, milk, oats and so. It's cheaper and less sugars.
Sleeping maybe does help memorizing things, but I get really nervous every time before the exam that I simply can't sleep! Even if I manage to fall asleep, I can get superficial sleep and wake up from every sound.

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