14 Photos We Needed to See to Get a Closer Look at What’s Really There

2 years ago

This world is full of mysterious and unbelievable surprises that we often give up on understanding. When we discovered what lies behind Metro Goldwyn Mayer’s famous lion roar and that it wasn’t just some special effect, we decided to go further and see what ordinary people have to say about these types of things. And just like that, we have 14 photos that left a big impression on us and raised many questions.

1. “An army of ants carrying a crab claw”

2. Recording Leo the lion’s famous roar for Metro Goldwyn Mayer

MGM/Courtesy Everett Collection/Everett Collection/East News, Barnaby (Colourised)/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News

3. A shiny golden beetle

4. “This car was parked for so long, a weed simply grew around it.”

5. “I found a small crab when opening an oyster.”

6. “A near-mint series 1985 $10 bill someone just bought their food with”

7. “So I’m sitting here on my grandma’s couch and...”

8. “This light attached to the lamppost projects a picture on the ground to show where the sidewalk is in case of snowfall.”

9. “4 little paw prints in the snow with no other prints in sight”

10. “My potato is growing a new potato inside itself.”

11. “I have a permanently dilated eye.”

12. “The camera on my phone was a bit dirty but it made my Christmas tree look beautiful.”

13. “A tree growing out of a retaining wall drain”

14. “One of my pet toads inside an old frog-shaped dish sponge holder”

What’s the last thing that really surprised you? If you have a photo, feel free to share it with us.

Preview photo credit MGM/Courtesy Everett Collection/Everett Collection/East News, Barnaby (Colourised)/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News


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