15+ Brilliant Minds Behind Unconventional and Ingenious Ideas

11 months ago

Creativity can enhance the growth of the aging brain. And also serves as a means for individuals to improve their lives while entertaining others. And the people inside this article can be crowded as creativity kings and queens.

1. “Peak pettiness or justifiable security in the office kitchen?”

2. “A creative way to avoid fixing your side view mirror”

3. "I built a Ferris wheel to hold my girlfriend’s Christmas gifts.

4. “My friend has a simple but genius way to eat cupcakes.”

5. “My 9-year-old daughter noticed Pixel earbuds packaging made for a great 3D alien!”

6. “Well, they aren’t wrong...”

7. “Someone got creative with the label maker at work...”

8. Someone ingeniously disguised a problem.

9. There are some gifted people out here!

10. “That’s genius, right?”

11. “A guy on the plane put his boarding pass in his phone case, holding it up with the tray table latch.”

12. “My son might be a slacker, but he is also inventive.”

13. “My dad’s pretty inventive Halloween costume”

14. “Is my 5-year-old smart?”

15. “Movie theaters are still closed, so she made this.”

16. “Smart kid”

Unleashing our imagination can make us think innovatively. And discover inspiration from fellow creative minds is one tool to put our inventive brains to work.

Please note: This article was updated in February 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit Vented55 / Reddit


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