15 Photos Showing How Time Passes in the Blink of an Eye

3 years ago

The distractions, responsibilities, and plans that everyday life keeps us busy with make us forget that time runs at an absurdly fast pace. Luckily, our family albums are here to make our journey through time more tangible and traceable. After all, seeing how we or the people closest to us are changing through the years makes us realize that every moment is precious and needs to be savored to the max.

Bright Side can’t get enough of sweet side-by-side photos that are separated by years or even decades. We’ll be sharing how people or their beloved pets have changed yet somehow still stayed the same.

1. ’’My grandpa aged better than me.’’

2. ’’Occasionally my brother and I recreate 30-year-old photos.’’

3. ’’The day we brought our puppy home a year ago vs now’’

4. ’’We met in second grade in 1997. Here we are, 21 years later.’’

5. ’’After almost 20 years with me, I found a nearly new one.’’

6. ’’My pittie, 10 years apart’’

7. ’’My grandpa will be 81 this year, and he’s stronger than most people I know.’’

8. ’’My pup and me, 4 years apart’’

9. ’’She grew so fast.’’

10. ’’Here’s Patrick, 8 years apart.’’

11. ’’After 10 years of marriage, I renewed my vows with my high school sweetheart.’’

12. ’’My baby boy grew up so fast.’’

13. ’’On my prom day and wedding day, 16 years apart. My cat is now 19 and she’s still my favorite girl.’’

14. ’’My mom in the same place, 65 years apart’’

15. ’’Not even a year has passed.’’

Do you often go back to your old family photos? Do you think that even though time inevitably changes us from the outside, there is a part of us that forever stays the same?

Preview photo credit HaywoodJeDewmie/Imgur


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