19 People Who Didn’t Miss Their Chance to Capture the Perfect Moment
To take a cool picture you don’t need hundreds of shots. You only need one, but you need it to be perfectly timed. Like when you take a picture of your brother swimming and he ends up looking like a character from a movie. Or, when the cake you made accidentally matches your counter, you’ll most likely have a spot-on image on your hands.
Here at Bright Side, we found well-timed pics that made us gasp and laugh hard. That’s why we decided to share them with you to brighten your day.
1. “The wind and back-lit sunset made my hair appear on fire.”
2. “Looks like his legs are in the cart.”
3. “This picture makes it look like I’m holding a decapitated camel head.”
4. “I caught the moment just before the surface tension on the water broke and it made my brother look like Sméagol.”
5. “The birthday cake I made for my dad matches our counter.”
6. “The reflection of the lamp gives my glasses eyeballs.”
7. “Caught the reflection of the light in the window and it looks like it’s floating in the sky!”
8. This man on a carousel looks like he has pig legs.
9. “Making cookies and the reflection looks like a giant chocolate chip cookie!”
10. “The snow that is slowly melting on the front porch looks like an ice tornado.”
11. “Asked my husband to take a photo of me with one of our new peeps.”
12. “Took this picture of lightning hitting a building through a cloud this afternoon in South Africa.”
13. The way this balloon connects with the mountains.
14. “I found a turtle that matches my tattoo.”
15. This cat blends with the couch.
16. “I somehow managed to take this photo at the exact moment the bird jumped on my table, so it looks photoshopped!”
17. The way my brother’s and my arms appear fused together.
18. Great painting
19. “My daughter was having a tantrum and hid her face with a pillow.”
Which picture did you find the most amusing? Do you have well-timed pics? If you do, share them with us in the comments.
I'm sorry but that cake doesn't look too appealing 😅
creepy glasses haha
#16 took me some time to realize what's going on in there
The camel only has a head in the pictures wow

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