12 Photos That Prove the Right Haircut Can Make Any Man Look Like a Greek God

2 years ago

Women are often not satisfied with their appearance and are ready to make radical changes to how they look. And some ladies just love diversity and so they are always ready to turn into a blonde or get an unusual hairstyle.

But when it comes to men, they are more conservative about hairstyles. And we don’t think they should be. Our 12 examples will prove to you that men shouldn’t be afraid of making changes to their appearance.

1. “I donated my hair to Wigs for Kids this week!”

2. “Finally decided to chop the flow and couldn’t be happier with the results.”

3. “I chopped the mop after a good 2+ years. Beyond excited with the results!”

4. “I think I made the right decision.”

5. “2 lb donated to Wigs for Kids.”

6. He lost the curls and now he looks far more serious.

7. “Grew my hair for about a year and decided to get it cut today. Really happy with the result.”

8. He definitely doesn’t need the bangs.

9. Completely different people

10. He looks way more masculine now.

11. “It’s officially been a month since I made this change. I was so scared but the feedback has been amazing, and I love it!”

12. “New haircut, new me”

Do you or your man have long hair or a short cut? Are you ready to radically experiment with your hair?

Please note: This article was updated in December 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit jensenb2 / reddit


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It's a lot easier to keep the short hair styled and clean. I think long hair looks a bit messy on guys


i think the same applies for women. The right hairstyle and she looks like the most beautiful goddess ❤️


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