20+ Photos That Glow With Love

3 years ago

We need love just like we need air. People who’ve taken in foster children and pets from animal shelters have proven many times that love is all living beings need to blossom. It comes in all shapes and sizes and turns whatever it touches into something beautiful.

Here at Bright Side, we couldn’t pass up these heartwarming photos that show the purity and diversity of love.

1. “A father holding his newborn daughter’s hand”

2. A mother coming back home from a 4-month deployment

3. A boy leaving his childhood behind

4. “A puppy found his fur-ever home.”

5. “All the nurses came in and sang to my mom and gave her a cake for her last day of chemo treatment. She’s cancer-free!”

6. “The first step on a long road to happiness, I think.”

7. “When I was 8, my dad died. I met my (step) daddy when I was 10. 28 years later, he cried when he saw me in my dress and tearfully gave me away.”

8. “Born 3 days apart, they met just last week. And already, they’re the best of friends.”

9. “My cat, Pepe loved my roomie and she recently moved out. I’m not crying, you’re crying...”

10. “Someone noticed my open sunroof during a thunderstorm. Thank you!”

11. An intimate moment a couple shared

12. “My doggy has asthma. But as long as he has his ducky with him, he knows he’s going to be okay.”

13. “My brother’s daughter and the new puppy are already best buds!”

14. “I found this balloon in my yard. Almost cried after reading it. I’m sure your dad is proud of you.”

“Dear Papa,

I love and miss you. This past birthday wasn’t the same without getting your call to wish me Happy Birthday. Staying strong and working hard to make you proud.”

15. “My favorite photo of my wife and my son”

16. “My dad and I seeing each other for the first time in 20 years”

17. “A boy meeting his first kitty”

18. “Just picked the kitten up yesterday. They’ve become instant best friends.”

19. “My son has been missing his best friend (his grandma).”

20. “It’s my grandma’s seventieth wedding anniversary. He passed away 3 years ago. Love will never die.”

21. “My parents chose not to attend their only daughter’s wedding. Sucks to be them!”

22. A smile worth a thousand words.

23. “My dad fought in the Vietnam War. He promised himself that if he ever got out of there, he’d come back and find a peaceful place to live. Here he is with his new puppy, Sally.”

24. “First time being carried after being rescued”.

What was the purest moment of love you’ve ever experienced? Share your stories with us in the comments.

Preview photo credit itsamemommio88 / reddit


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