20+ Pics That Will Sow the Seeds of Tenderness in Your Soul

year ago

Scientists claim that emotions are contagious. Whether we’re in a group or with one other person, we can “catch” both positive and negative emotions. While looking at a really powerful photo or hearing a really good joke, we become machines, producing good vibes for people around us, and today’s article can show this in action.

Here at Bright Side, we love to spread positivity across the web. So today, we’ve prepared 23 photos that will touch every string in your soul and put you into a special tender mood. Let’s deliver good vibes to all the people around us together.

1. “I adopted a baby fox to help a local shelter, and I feel like I am a dad now.”

2. “My friend’s hamster looks like a cartoon.”

3. “We washed our Samoyed.”

4. “My daughter fell asleep on my chest and woke up a Bond villain.”

5. “My cousin is the cutest pregnant girl ever.”

6. “My brother-in-law couldn’t keep her off the couch so he bought Marilyn her own.”

7. “He hates the cold and wouldn’t stop shivering, so this is how he rode home.”

8. “My dad likes to hold our fat kitty and pretend he is a baby.”

9. “My brother was sick today and our dog didn’t leave his side.”

10. “Such a beautiful thing, the bond between 2 different species. I grabbed this shot of my dog and me.”

11. “I’m pregnant. He’s positive that my body has grown for him to sit on me.”

12. “He will stay like this for 15 minutes waiting for a belly rub. We call him our little butler.”

13. “We adopted a Basset Hound last month. He wants to hug our cat.”

14. “My bun is pregnant and all she wants to is sleep...very cutely.”

15. “Bernie has been at my local animal shelter for over a year now. He finally convinced one of our regular volunteers to take him home.”

16. “Our new dog likes to sit on our old one.”

17. “Made a hammock hanger for her for our anniversary...seems like our cat enjoys it more.”

18. “I adopted a pregnant cat, she had 6 healthy kittens, they’ve all got new homes now. Going to miss my little floofs.”

19. “My girlfriend made a sleeping bag for our 2-week-old foster kitty.”

20. “I know it’s not a real climbing wall, but it’s bonding with my adopted daughter.”

21. “For our father’s birthday, we tried to take the same picture 20 years later. We grew up a bit.”

22. “Not to brag, but both my kids are napping at the same time. I just ate my entire lunch without interruption.”

23. “Time needs to slow down.”

What is the photo from your family album that makes you go “Oh, my heart!” each time you look at it? We’d love for you to fill the comments with these aww-vibes!

Preview photo credit tehPanam***c / Reddit


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