As someone said, “Growing your own tomatoes is the best way to devote 3 months of your life to save $3.” It sounds ridiculous, yet studies show that gardening does wonders for our mental health, helping us relieve stress and develop a positive mindset. And sometimes it also provides a good chuckle!
Bright Side collected photos of 20 peculiar plants right from people’s back yards and we’re happy to share them with you.
1. No tomato in sight, just a little bunny.
3. “I grew this happy little fella.”
4. Is this a Paleolithic Venus figurine?
5. Tim Burton’s Halloween sunflower
6. This ginger is almost ready to sing a song from The Little Mermaid.
7. Where is this carrot moonwalking to?
8. “A potato my girlfriend and I had the pleasure of meeting”
9. “This giant beet from my garden looks like a heart.”
10. This eggplant is flexing to show off its muscles.
11. Call a marine biologist for this tiny octopus.
12. High-5 this carrot hand!
13. “This Jalapeño from my garden grew into the shape of a 6.”
14. I had no idea snapdragon seed pods looked like shrunken fish heads."
15. Mango? More like flamango.
17. “This cherry tomato’s horns make it look like a rabbit with a hat.”
18. “My first cayenne pepper is nearly a perfect circle.”
19. A funny little guy whose nose grows when he lies
20. You could play some Quidditch with this pod from a tulip poplar tree.
Do you have a garden? What surprising gifts has the harvest brought to you?