29 Unexpected Finds That Raise a Million Questions

2 years ago

Imagine these situations: you’re taking a stroll and suddenly notice a face carved into a tree or you’re cutting a watermelon and find that it has an amazing pattern. How would you feel? We bet you’d be surprised, excited, and have an urge to share your finding with friends. That’s what the heroes of this article did.

29. “These roots that outgrew their spot.”

28. “I bet it still works.”

27. A tree with a magnificent pattern

26. A tomato growing more tomatoes.

25. “This cereal bar I found in Spain”

24. A pattern in this cucumber matches experiments done on the sound vibrations in fluids.

23. “I found this Mario coin in the Houston area.”

22. “This huge foosball table”

21. “This reindeer horn my grandpa found is shaped like the animal it belonged to.”

20. “My ice cream came without the cone.”

19. “I found this huge beetle laying on his back in the driveway today.”

18. This leaf was chewed up into a nice and symmetrical design.

17. “This rock has been painted to look like a VHS tape.”

16. The pattern in this watermelon looks magnificent.

15. This abandoned loading dock that turned into a mini swamp ecosystem.

14. “Found a bush in the shape of a car.”

13. “This stump with a face carved into it that I found on a random street in Rome”

12. “A plant grew through the cement.”

11. “Look what my parents found on their hike. I’m scared.”

10. Road workers played a game of tic-tac-toe here.

9. “I found this strange message on a banana yesterday.”

8. “There’s about 4-5 of these concrete shoes scattered around my town. Nobody knows who made them or why.”

7. The gutters of San Francisco’s Buena Vista Park are paved with 1800s tombstones.

6. “I found this Spiderman-frog figurine in Mexico”

5. “My cucumber didn’t have any seeds in it.”

4. “My ice cream had 5 sticks in it.”

3. “This tomato that came out of my garden looks like it was cut apart and stitched back together.”

2. This piece of cheese looks like marble.

1. “My friend’s truck that he parked at his parents’ house around 10 years ago has a tree growing from behind the bumper.”

Have you ever found any unusual things?

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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