9 Ways Your Character Can Define Your Shoe Choice

4 years ago

Shoes are just a small piece of our wardrobe but people pay a lot of attention to them. There’s even a study that shows we buy footwear according to our character. Extroverts and creative people might prefer bright loafers whereas even-tempered and flexible personalities may go for comfortable, neutral snickers.

Bright Side has made up a list of trait-shoe correlations. See for yourself if there are any coincidences.

1. Extroverts

According to research, these kinds of people prefer colorful shoes to black-and-white ones. People do this to express their personalities and think that more neutral variants are dull.

2. Creative

Bright-colored shoes are also associated with openness and a good imagination. People might use footwear to show their lust for variety.

3. Agreeable

Those who wear practical yet affordable shoes tend to be more agreeable, according to the study. They show more modesty, generosity, and friendliness and you’ll hardly ever see them wearing pricy name-brand footwear with pointy toes. On the contrary, people who tend to be less agreeable might choose masculine looks or high-top shoes.

4. Conscientious

Their shoes are clean and thoughtfully picked out. At the same time, neither attractiveness nor the ability to keep shoes in good shape have anything to do with this trait, as the analysis shows.

5. Calm

According to the study, they prefer casual loafers to high heels.

6. Avoidant

They’ll probably never let you know how they really feel or what they’re thinking — and they usually don’t consider other people’s views when it comes to their look. Their shoes are not perceived as attractive or stylish. So they might wear neutral sneakers that don’t give a clue as to what their personality traits are.

7. High-profile

If you like to show off brands, it may mean that you want to emphasize your social status. Such footwear is pricey and if you can afford it, you’re probably not an ordinary man or woman.

8. Open

As the study shows, those who are open to new experiences might pay more attention to their shoes. They prefer to wear attractive, unusual footwear that’s often brightly colored.

9. Anxious

These people need care and attention. So they may use clothing and shoes to express themselves and they are eager to reveal their personality traits. This is why they choose stylish and unusual footwear. High-heeled uncomfortable shoes with pointy toes can signify that they value other people’s opinions. They put their social image first, instead of practicality.

Does your shoe choice reveal your true character?


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