17 Movie Couples With Huge Age Gap We Didn’t Even Notice

2 years ago

They say age is nothing but a number, and that is most definitely the case in Hollywood films. More often than not, it’s an older male actor who plays the love interest of a woman who is younger than them. While this doesn’t seem all that surprising, the actual age difference between the actors might shock you.

We at Bright Side have gathered a list of actors who played love interests with pretty large age gaps.

1. Liam Neeson (61) and Olivia Wilde (29) in Third Person

2. Anne Hathaway (25) and Steve Carell (45) in Get Smart

3. Bill Murray (52) and Scarlett Johansson (18) in Lost in Translation

4. Emma Stone (25) and Colin Firth (53) in Magic in the Moonlight

5. Catherine Zeta-Jones (29) and Sean Connery (68) in Entrapment

6. Margot Robbie (24) and Will Smith (46) in Focus

7. Jack Nicholson (60) and Helen Hunt (34) in As Good as It Gets

8. Robert Redford (56) and Demi Moore (30) in Indecent Proposal

9. Michael Douglas (54) and Gwyneth Paltrow (26) in A Perfect Murder

10. Tom Skerritt (58) and Drew Barrymore (17) in Poison Ivy

11. Jack Nicholson (66) and Amanda Peet (31) in Something’s Gotta Give

12. Richard Gere (51) and Winona Ryder (29) in Autumn in New York

13. Anne Heche (29) and Harrison Ford (55) in Six Days Seven Nights

14. Gene Wilder (51) and Kelly LeBrock (24) in The Woman in Red

15. Jeff Bridges (60) and Maggie Gyllenhaal (32) in Crazy Heart

16. Emma Stone (25) and Sean Penn (53) in Gangster Squad

17. Warren Beatty (61) and Halle Berry (31) in Bulworth

What do you think about these actors’ age gaps? Could you tell there was an age difference?

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