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28 years ago, in 1992, the film Scent of a Woman, by Martin Brest, was released. The movie tells the story of Charlie Simms, who finds a job as an assistant to moody colonel Frank Slade, that lost his vision. Over time, this movie has become truly iconic and the scene where Al Pacino is dancing tango is one of the most moving scenes in cinema history.
We at Bright Side watched this movie again and decided to find out all the secret details about it.
Gabrielle Anwar rehearsed the tango scene for 3 weeks alone. Al Pacino didn’t rehearse at all. Later, she admitted that during the dance, Al Pacino constantly stepped on her feet and almost broke her toes. But Gabrielle was okay with that. In an interview, she said, “It’s Al Pacino, for God’s sake, I couldn’t exactly complain.”
“What are you, dying of some wasting disease?
No, I’m right — I’m right here.
I know exactly where your body is. What I’m looking for is some indication of a brain.”
Do you like this film? What do you think about Al Pacino’s acting? Was it worthy of an Oscar?