12 Celebrities Reveal What Career Path They Would Have Taken if They Weren’t Famous

2 years ago

It can be hard to imagine famous actors and music artists doing anything except being in front of the camera or making music. But believe it or not, celebrities like Angelina Jolie and George Clooney actually had different career paths in mind before they were on the big screen.

Bright Side shares these celebrities’ what-ifs when it comes to a career outside of the spotlight. Some of them might surprise you!

1. Ryan Reynolds would have been a Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canada’s federal police force.

2. Rihanna always wanted to be a pilot.

3. Sofia Vergara planned to be a dentist and attended 2 years of dental school before becoming an actress.

4. Margot Robbie would be a trapeze artist if she wasn’t acting.

5. Angelina Jolie wanted to be a funeral director when her grandfather died and she wasn’t happy with how the funeral was handled.

6. Kim Kardashian would be a forensic investigator if she wasn’t famous.

7. Matthew McConaughey planned on going to law school after graduating from college.

8. Kerry Washington’s childhood dream was to work at Sea World.

9. George Clooney wanted to be a major league baseball player.

10. Sam Smith would love to work as a florist and own a coffee shop.

11. If Liam Payne wasn’t in One Direction, he would have been an Olympic runner. In his youth, he joined the Wolverhampton and Bilston Athletics Club to pursue a running career.

12. Rebel Wilson has a law degree just in case acting didn’t work out.

Which celebrity surprised you the most? Do you think these celebrities would fit their once dream jobs if they weren’t famous? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section!


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Kim could never be a forensic investigator 😂 people need a brain to do such job


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