Poor lady time to leave him
14 Controversial Comic Stories With a Pinch of Sarcasm and Dark Humor
Artist Ryan Kramer, widely known as @ToonholeRyan, draws comics. While there are many comic artists that do the same thing as Ryan, his works are pretty unique and he has his own signature style, especially when it comes to humor: dark humor and sarcasm are his signature. Besides, his stories have a lot in common with good movies: they both have an introduction, an unravelling of the plot, and an unexpected payoff.
We at Bright Side suggest you have a look at some of Ryan’s works that will definitely cheer you up even on the darkest days.
Visit Ryan’s website or subscribe to his Instagram account to see more of his work.
Do you like this type of comic? Share with us in the comments!
i never understood #3 until now. he had bodies in those bags XD
Le gasp
These are bad. 0 entertainment from these
#10 made me cry
The children's hospital? Come on, that's really sad.

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