18 People Who Proved to Be Good Ambassadors

year ago

Researchers have proven that kindness is beneficial not only for the recipient, but also for the person doing the good deed. Helping people has a positive effect on our mental health, and it increases our life satisfaction. The other good news is that kindness is contagious: one good deed can spread rapidly and improve the lives of many people.

We at Bright Side collected 18 good deeds that prove the act of kindness is one of the best gifts on Earth.

1. This kid can surely teach us a lesson, or 2 about kindness.

2. “A man spent his subway ride playing his violin for a baby because she was crying.”

3. “Inclusion matters.”

4. “Someone left quarters for the next person.”

5. Those who say that female solidarity doesn’t exist are wrong.

6. The woman “walking out” her flower and people not disturbing it is beautiful.

“Please don’t disturb my plant.
She needs 2 hours of sunlight a day and I live in a sunless apartment.
I’ll be back to collect her soon.
Thank you and stay well.”

7. Cheering for someone’s success like it’s your own achievement

8. Seems like kids can make any problem disappear, or at least refocus our attention on their love.

9. We hope to hear more stories of random acts of kindness.

10. The person who did this isn’t just a good ambassador but also has a great sense of humor.

11. For a stranger it was just playing with a kid for 2 minutes, but for the parent, it was the most helpful thing possible.

12. Because they know that people might not have period products when they are much needed.

13. Contagious kindness

14. “Mailman’s truck was blocked up the street, so he had to walk to people’s boxes.”

“He made multiple trips to his truck so that the mail didn’t get wet.”

15. We hope she had a lovely 90th birthday party.

16. Just Keanu being himself...

© afdc92 / reddit, Broadimage Entertainment/EAST NEWS

17. 4 tiny rabbits lost their mother, so this man took care of them and bottle-fed them 4 times a day for 2 months.

18. Ryan Reynolds and his good deed


When Celine Dion’s husband, René, passed away, she did not know how she could go on and push through with her career. It was Ryan Reynold’s heartfelt letter specifically meant for Celine that changed everything. Ryan’s unexpected letter inspired Dion to shake off her listlessness and gave her the strength to keep the wheel going and resume her musical career.

When was the last time someone did something nice for you? Or maybe you had a chance to make a valuable impact in someone’s life?

Preview photo credit afdc92 / reddit, Broadimage Entertainment/EAST NEWS


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