10+ Hard-to-Guess Riddles That Can Instantly Put a Smile on Your Face
It’s time to flex your brain muscles and put them to work! Although riddles were used by ancient Greek scholars to showcase their wit and wisdom, they can be solved today as a quick mental exercise or just for fun. Modern studies link the solving of puzzles and riddles to positive brain improvements, like a better memory, productivity, and an overall positive mood.
We at Bright Side would like to help boost your mood for the day by giving you these riddles to ponder on. With a bit of time and creative thinking, we hope you’ll be able to solve them all!











Were you able to get all the answers right or did the riddles get the best of you? How many riddles did you solve?
i got the answer of the first riddle and its m
Map which has no people, no trees or has no fishes

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