10 Disturbing Events That Left a Permanent Mark

6 months ago

Certain events defy reason, leaving us with more questions than clarity. Whether it’s a strange story from someone we trust or an unsettling experience we’ve lived through, these eerie moments linger in our minds. Sharing them offers a sense of relief and can be therapeutic, just as the people in this article revealed their personal experiences to millions on the internet.

  • My husband went missing when my son was 5 months. When he started talking, he always said that a bad man visited his room when we all slept. We brushed it off.
    Years later, I found in his room, my husband's vintage watch forgotten behind a closet. I panicked because my husband was wearing that watch the day he went missing. When I asked my son about it, he couldn't remember how the watch got to his room, and even swore he'd never seen it before.
    My husband had suffered from deep depression for decades. It's been almost 20 years now, and we've never seen him again. But I get the chills every time I think of that watch.
  • I was at home by myself when I was 14. My mom was grocery shopping, and my brother was at his friend's house. My phone rang, and it was my grandma. She was screaming, "WHAT'S WRONG? WHAT'S WRONG?"
    I convinced her everything was okay. She told me that my mom had just called her, repeatedly saying, "HELP, THE KIDS!" My mom came in, called her back, and convinced her nothing had happened.
    We went to my grandma's because she was still shaken. She showed us our number on the caller ID, which was impossible. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I was reading the book Think and Grow Rich. In the book, it says something along the lines of how you might notice something weird as you read it.
    Anyway, I decided to bring the book to a coffee shop downtown. I was reading a paragraph about a parent with a deaf child. At that very moment, a child sat down near me. I didn't think much of it until his mother came over and started doing sign language with him. © Soatch / Reddit
  • When I was in grade ten, my sister and I played with a homemade Ouija board. We asked the usual questions, including the names of the "spirits" we were contacting. The names we were given were Aiden and Hannah, which were both names considered for me before I was born. Neither my sister nor I knew this information. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My sister and I were home alone in the living room when, all of a sudden, it sounded like 1,000 plates came crashing out of the kitchen cabinets. We looked at each other and took off running into the kitchen. There was nothing broken.
    We opened all the cabinets and went through everything, trying to find broken dishes, but everything was perfectly fine. We always get weirded out thinking about this. © discover-luke / Reddit
  • I was once sitting on the couch with my boyfriend and heard the words "I love you." Then my boyfriend goes, "I love you too." I was so utterly confused because I wasn't the one who said "I love you." My mouth was shut.
    I remember hearing and feeling the vibrations of words and sound being produced, but I wasn't the one who did it, and neither was he. It sounded like a feminine voice, coming from right in front of my face, but no one was outside the window or in the room with us. It was really creepy. I still think about it. © TenderN***leBender / Reddit
  • When I was a child, I lived in a house with a very large, two-story-high entryway and a long staircase leading to the entrance. Across from the staircase was a large, antique mirror.
    I was alone in the house, my mother and siblings were out for groceries, and I was listening to music when I stopped to look at my own reflection.
    I saw myself in the mirror’s reflection descending the staircase. I ripped my headphones off and turned around, but I, of course, was not there. No one was. © ca***balking / Reddit
  • One time, I was in my backyard playing with a plastic toy dinosaur. Loved that thing. I tossed it up into the sky, and it never fell back down. I never saw it again. © elpantalla / Reddit
  • My ex-wife and I bought an older house from the 1930s. We were renovating and had put some baseboards in the basement, painted them, and left them to dry overnight.
    The next morning, we looked at them, and it seemed like someone had taken a sharp knife and dragged it down the entire length of two of the baseboards, almost 8 feet each. The "blade" had gouged through the new paint, old paint, primer, and right down to the wood. It was just the two of us in the house. © dBasement / Reddit
  • Years ago, I lived in an older house downtown with a roommate. We both played guitar and had a nice setup in the basement. On the wall was an old mirror that was affixed when we moved in. One day, I came home and noticed my roommate wasn't there when he was supposed to be.
    I went to the basement and started playing guitar. Something caught the corner of my eye in the mirror. I turned to look and saw what I can only describe as a cloud rising. I looked to the other side of the room and saw no explanation for this at all. It scared me so much that I immediately put the guitar down, went upstairs, and left the house.
    I went to the local cafe to chill until my roommate came home. Strangely, I found him there. He looked pale and stressed. He started telling me about the 'cloudy ghost' he had seen in the basement mirror about two hours earlier. © TreyGarcia / Reddit

Discovering a hidden dark side in a close friend can feel like something straight out of a Hollywood thriller. That’s exactly what happens in these chilling stories, guaranteed to leave you shivering.

Preview photo credit Roman Tymochko / Pexels


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The story about the kid with the dinosaur that disappeared into thin air jogged a memory: I was ~16 years old and was sunbathing on a lounge chair in our backyard. I had been wearing a gold watch that I borrowed from my mother. Because I didn't want a white line on my wrist, I took it off and set it on the grass underneath the chair. I spent about an hour or so reading a book and soaking up the sun's rays. When I collected everything to go inside, the watch was nowhere to be found. I was upset that it disappeared because it was my mom's & I liked to wear it occasionally. I never did find where it went. I wish I would have had access to a metal detector back then!


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