10 Millionaires Who Were Very Different People at the Beginning of Their Careers

11 months ago

We live in a time where you don’t need to have rich parents to become part of the world’s elite. Today, a talented student can wake up famous after the launch of a startup and an ordinary entrepreneur can make a fortune on a reality show about their life. Of course, the lives and the way people look before and after they become famous are very different.

Bright Side has found some early photos of millionaires everyone knows today.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk learned how to program at the age of 9, and at the age of 28, he sold his first startup (it was worth $307), at the age of 30, he founded PayPal, and at the age of 32, he opened Tesla Motors. A year before that, he set up SpaceX claiming he was going to colonize Mars in the near future. Now, he is 47 years old and is a really successful engineer, entrepreneur, and billionaire — and it seems to us he may actually colonize Mars!

Bill Gates

Young Bill didn’t have a lot of success in school — in college, he didn’t go to all his classes, and was expelled after his second year. But he still loved programming. In fact, he loved it so much that at the age of 21, his friend Paul Allen and him founded their own company, Microsoft.

In 2018, he is in the 7th position of the top most influential people according to Forbes — after Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and The Pope.

Kris Jenner

No matter how much she has been criticized, we can’t deny that this woman made her own career. Her parents consisted of an engineer and a housewife and she worked as a flight attendant. But she has always been a really organized person. These abilities allowed her to open her own store after she got married to a famous lawyer, Robert Kardashian. She didn’t just use the money well, she also worked on a promotion: she made a reality show about her 7 children who all have careers thanks to their mom.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin

In 1995, the 2 talented guys in the photo above met each other at a tour in Standford University. They started talking, discussing computer technology and became friends. Sometime later, they decided to start a research project which soon (in 1998) turned into one of the most powerful companies of today, Google Inc.

Mark Zuckerberg

Few people don’t know the story of the 19-year-old student from the psychology department of Harvard University who created Facebook. You probably know his story well without us, so we’ll just say that he is only 34 years old. He is the youngest billionaire in history and he is in the 13th position of the most influential people, according to Forbes.

Tim Cook

A calm and determined student from Alabama University found his first job in the biggest computer company, IBM. Then, he worked in some managing positions in Intelligentelectronics, Compaq, and of course, Apple. He started working for Apple in 1998 and became Steve Jobs’ right hand and CEO of the company after he died.

Richard Branson

Richard Branson has always loved being scandalous. On the day he finished school, the headmaster told him he would either go to jail or become a millionaire, and he was right. Today, Sir Richard Branson is one of the most famous people, a co-founder of the transnational corporation Virgin Group, a billionaire, and an all-around funny guy.

Susan Wojcicki

Susan Wojcicki is one of the brightest examples of women who made a successful career in IT. She was the first marketing manager for Google and she was the one who suggested Google buy YouTube. She has been its CEO since 2014.

Steve Wozniak

The smiling person in the left photo has always been a creative engineer. For example, once he designed and made a system of communication for 6 children’s bedrooms in the neighboring houses in order to talk to his friends without leaving the house. 20 years later, the same person made the first Apple computers together with Steve Jobs.

Whose story amazed you the most? Tell us in the comment section below.

Preview photo credit usatoday, AFP / EAST NEWS


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You would think to say most of them who influence our everyday lives. Eon Musk is the most fearless of them. I think he is looking at the future in the most broadist sense of the word.


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