10+ Netflix Movies With Such Great Plot Twists, They Can Impress the Most Avid Cinema-Goers

4 years ago

House of Cards, Black Mirror, and Stranger Things — perhaps you’ve watched these and many other popular TV series on Netflix. But the good news is, this massive streaming station continues to please its viewers with feature films that win prestigious awards and receive tons of positive reviews.

We at Bright Side decided to take a look at the whole list of Netflix movies and were surprised to learn that most of its full-length feature films haven’t received as much attention as its TV series.

1. Cart (2014)

IMDb rating: 6.7

Country — South Korea

A single mother works in a huge supermarket and barely manages to make ends meet. She’s a temporary employee and calms herself down with the promises from management that she will soon be hired and start getting a higher salary. However, she and her colleagues get fired. And that’s when she starts a fierce fight for women’s rights.

2. The King (2019)

IMDb rating: 7.3

Countries — Great Britain, Hungary, Australia, USA

The film takes place in England during the Hundred Years’ War. King Henry IV dies and his son Hal, the Prince of Wales, who used to have a libertine lifestyle, takes on the throne. The new king Henry V proves himself to be a successful ruler, deftly cracking down on all rebellions and conspiracies.

3. 6 Underground (2019)

IMDb rating: 6.1

Country — USA

The dictator of Turgistan suppresses a riot using chemical weapons against its citizens. The world, as a whole, looks on. But an American billionaire decides to collect a group of mercenaries and rid the people of Turgistan of their cruel rulers.

4. Mirage (2018)

IMDb rating: 7.4

Country — Spain

Vera, her husband, and her daughter move to a new house. Soon after a strong thunderstorm, a time-lapse takes place. The girl will have to save a boy who lived in this house 25 years ago from death. The situation gets more complicated due to the altered present where her husband doesn’t know her and her daughter hasn’t been born yet.

5. Amanda Knox (2016)

IMDb rating: 6.9

Country — Denmark, USA

This is an exciting documentary about the high-profile case of 2009 when an Italian court sentenced the American Amanda Knox prison time for killing her neighbor. However, after long trials and several years in prison, the girl was released.

6. Divines (2016)

IMDb rating: 7.4

Countries — France, Qatar

A schoolgirl named Dounia lives in the slums with her alcoholic mother. Together, with her best friend Maimouna, they decide to get out of poverty no matter what it takes. The girls start to steal and get involved in criminal games. Only later will they understand it was a fake way to gain wealth.

7. Dolemite Is My Name (2019)

IMDb rating: 7.3

Country — USA

This is a biographical movie about the life of a comic named Rudy Ray Moore whose role was perfectly acted out by Eddie Murphy. The movie takes place in the 1970s when Rudy Moore is trying to promote his songs to be played on the radio. The failure of these attempts leads him to drastically change his sphere of activity and turns to local homeless people for help.

8. Private Life (2018)

IMDb rating: 7.2

Country — USA

Richard and Rachel’s marriage is about to end, all because they can’t have kids. The couple tried many methods of conception, but all attempts were unsuccessful. Their life changes drastically after meeting a girl named Sadie who teaches them to look at life from a totally different angle.

9. First They Killed My Father (2017)

IMDb rating: 7.2

Country — Cambodia, USA

Angelina Jolie directed this movie. The film is based on the autobiography of the human rights activist and writer, Loung Ung, who recounts the horrors she and her people experienced during the reign of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.

10. Live Twice, Love Once (2019)

IMDb rating: 7.2

Country — Spain

Emilio, a former math professor, has recently started to become distant from his surroundings. The relationship with his daughter gets rocky while his developing Alzheimer’s disease prevents him from building a harmonious, love-filled life.

11. Our Souls at Night (2017)

IMDb rating: 6.9

Country — USA

Our Souls at Night is an on-screen version of Kent Haruf’s novel of the same name. It’s a story about 2 elderly neighbors whose spouses died and whose kids left them a long time ago. Trying to avoid loneliness, they visit each other, getting to know more and more about one another. Soon, Addie invites Louis to brighten up their lonely nights.

12. The Laundromat (2019)

IMDb rating: 6.3

Country — USA

An elderly couple goes on a small boat trip but the ship gets wrecked and many passengers die, including Ellen’s spouse. While trying to get her insurance payment, the pensioner begins her own investigation, during which she finds a dossier on the businessmen’s numerous frauds.

13. The Discovery (2017)

IMDb rating: 6.3

Country — USA

Scientist Thomas Harbor proved that life after death does exist. As a result, many people around the world start to commit suicide, hoping that they’ll feel better in the afterlife. On his way to his father’s scientific center, the scientist’s son Will meets a girl named Isla. Upon saving the girl from drowning, he brings her to his father.

Have you seen any movies from our list? Or perhaps you have your own list of fantastic Netflix discoveries. Please share them with us!

Preview photo credit The Discovery / NetFlix


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