10 Online Reviews That Are Better Than the Items They Described

3 years ago

Online shopping is like playing the lottery. So it’s not surprising that we study other people’s reviews carefully before making an order. Buyers usually look for information about the seller, the quality and size of goods, delivery terms, etc. And as it turns out, reading someone else’s reviews not only provides you with useful information, but it can also cheer you up.

At Bright Side, we laughed until we cried while reading these hilarious reviews from our selection. In the bonus section, you’ll find something unexpected about a very familiar item.

Poor chicken! It can’t ride a scooter any longer.

Can you share the address with us too?

When you have a rich imagination:

On guard for family values

A sleeve for those who like to take risks

When the air purifier is worth the money:

Tasty pies can fix any problem.

Now we want it too.

What would XXL look like?

Everyone loves stories about cats.

Bonus: Now we can’t sleep either.

Do you read the reviews before buying something? Have you ever come across anything funny that you could include in this article? Share your finds in the comments below.

Preview photo credit gerninareopetova / Pikabu


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