10+ Personal Hygiene Mistakes People Make Every Day

year ago

Who would have thought that the little details we don’t pay attention to could prevent us from ideal health and complete happiness? You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see the results of no longer making these common mistakes!

We at Bright Side are glad to share with you habits you should stop following. Grab a piece of paper and a pen!

1. Biting your nails as a way to cope with stress.

Sometimes nail biting can be caused by emotional or mental stress and used as a way to overcome these feelings. You can also bite your nails without even thinking of it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work well for your appearance and health. This habit isn’t a reason to be proud, but giving it up is.

2. Cotton swabs as a way to clean your ears.

Most of us believe that Q-tips help us to clean our ears. However, what people do when using them is the exact opposite; excess wax is pushed in, which causes more harm than good. As a result, cotton swabs can be a major reason for damaging the eardrum, hearing loss, and so on. Medical experts advise you to see a doctor in case you really have a problem.

3. Not washing your hands after using a restroom.

According to this research, people tend to not wash their hands after using a restroom. The majority of these people believe it’s not important and is just a waste of their time. However, washing hands is the best and easiest way to prevent yourself from getting sick.

4. Not changing your toothbrush for a long time.

Wet toothbrushes can collect several bacteria in as little as one month, which can be harmful to your health. Dentists recommend changing our toothbrush every 2-3 months because using the same one for more than 3 months can have some serious health troubles, which can lead to, among other things, heart disease.

5. The way you brush your teeth.

If you brush only your teeth, you’ll still have some tartar left. Problems with your heart can start from increasing the blood flow in your mouth. Dentists recommend brushing our teeth for 2 minutes. Be sure not to get lazy when performing an excellent brushing technique!

6. Forgetting to floss your teeth

It doesn’t matter how thoroughly you brush your teeth to keep the germs away. Without flossing, you can hardly keep your gums in good condition. Flossing cuts the risk of bacteria inside the mouth down and prevents gingivitis.

7. Exfoliating your face every day.

Over-exfoliating causes acne and wrinkles and can make you look older. Dermatologists advise you to exfoliate your face twice a week. Otherwise it can be more harmful than good.

8. Not cleaning things that you use every day.

How often do you think of the objects you touch a lot but don’t take seriously? In fact, things like doorknobs, keyboards, switches, and your smartphones (among numerous others) are places where most bacteria are gathered.

9. Having a fluoride-filled toothpaste in your house.

This kind of a toothpaste is especially dangerous for children as it leads to incorrect teeth development and white spots on their teeth. A fluoride-filled toothpaste can cause crumbling of teeth and can even increase the absorption level of aluminum in our brain, which contributes to Alzheimer’s Disease.

10. Covering your pillow with a cotton pillowcase.

This fabric makes you look older by adding wrinkles to your face, drying your skin, and damaging your hair. The best choice for pillowcase material is silk. It’ll give you back what the cotton case took away.

11. Vacuuming too often.

If you vacuum every day, it can be harmful to your health. And if you don’t clean the machine, your carpet and your floor can get damaged by dirt and dust particles. If you use your vacuum cleaner less than once a week, you’re recommended to change your filter once a season.

12. Over clipping your toenails.

If you cut your nails too short, wearing socks and walking will be the first problem for you. Most of us would think about ingrown toenails after walking painfully. The pressure you make will result in growing into the skin of your toe, preventing you from walking at all.

All these tips are quite easy to follow. The main point is to stop being lazy and start taking care of your health more intensively. Maybe you’ve got your own secrets? Share them with us in the comments.

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