Damn... the pregnant question tricked me! The woman's in the middle feet look swollen! I fell for that :p
10 Pictures That Can Test Your Intelligence
It’s time to check your brainpower with riddles that will make you want to read things twice. Don’t underestimate the challenge because these problems may not be as simple as you think. The best part is that they’re amusing too.
We at Bright Side had a great time trying to solve these and we’d like to challenge you to do the same.
1. Who’s the liar?
The man was back from snowboarding. But when he reunited with his friends he checked his things and noticed that his food was missing so he asked his friends if they knew anything about it. The first woman said that she’d been skating the whole day, and the other said that she’d been drinking the same juice by the fire since morning. The man smiled immediately because he knew one of them was lying. But how?

2. How many matches are in the image?

3. What does it say?

4. How much do they weigh?

5. Who made the mess?

6. Who needs to visit the doctor immediately?

7. Only one woman from the image is in danger. Who is it?

8. How did the policeman know that the man was lying?
One man called the police on January 1 to report a crime and he told the police that his valuable things were stolen while he was attending a New Year’s Eve party next door. He said the party was amazing and the Christmas lights were shining brightly. The man put the blame on the party host, his neighbor. When the policeman was interrogating the neighbor, he didn’t need to hear her story because he immediately knew the man was lying. How did he know?

9. Connect the circles with only 3 lines and without lifting your finger.

10. Who’s pregnant?

Which riddle did you find to be most difficult? Do you know a riddle or an image that will leave everyone scratching their heads?
I disagree with no. 9... You can just make an N!
#8: The lights were not plugged in

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