10 Stories From People Who Instantly Regretted Having Guests Over

hour ago

Inviting people into your home can sometimes lead to awkward, unexpected, or downright disastrous situations. In these stories, the hosts found themselves wishing they had kept the door shut. Next time, they'll think twice before inviting anyone over again.


My ex mother-in-law had to pee in the middle of the night, but her son (my ex) was in the only bathroom. Instead of knocking, she got a glass out of the kitchen, went into the garage and squatted to do her business into the cup. I had heard the garage door open and got up to see what was going on and startled her, causing her to spill the cup all over the floor.

TrippleDubbs / Reddit


My in-laws hated me. We invited them over for Thanksgiving dinner and, upon arrival, they asked me to leave and come back a few hours later because they wanted to “follow their tradition of preparing the meal alone as a family.” They are now my ex in-laws.

Arboretum7 / Reddit


My son was around 2, and he was getting himself an apple or an orange. He'd get it off the counter, peel the sticker off, wash it, and proceed to peel it or eat it. As he was washing the fruit, a guest takes his fruit, telling him he's too young to be getting his own food. I tell them I taught him how to get a snack, and it's okay if he wants to eat some fruit.

They insist that he should ask first and when he said please, they washed it and prepared the fruit for him. I teach my son how to take care of himself, and he gets so happy when he can do more things for himself, and they took that away from him and made him beg for something that was already his.

ochemimmunohem / Reddit


I had guests turn the pool heater on in February and not turn it off or tell me it was on. I noticed steam coming off the pool a week later, and it was 90*F. The bill was just under $1000.

Fickle-Willingness80 / Reddit


A dinner guest asked to stay overnight because of the snow (which wasn’t forecasted until much later that night). Spouse and I agreed, as we didn’t have work the next day. But guest did - and at 7:30 in the morning, he was freaking out because we hadn’t shoveled the driveway for him yet, "How am I supposed to get to work on time?!"

user256049 / Reddit


This was a guy I was seeing. My son at the time was 2 and a half, he had a teddy he brought everywhere with him. It didn’t bother me cause kids like comfort toys, well this guy had an issue with it. So we’re out on my balcony and my son had showed this guy his teddy bear. He had grabbed the bear, threw it over the balcony and told my son to grow up, bears are for babies.

lonelyygirrl23 / Reddit


A guy from high school stayed at my house a few years back. It was someone that I wasn't close with, but someone I knew, and he gave me a sob story about how the pipes in his house burst and got everything wet, so he needed a place to crash for the night.

When he got to my place, I showed him how to use my Firestick so he could watch TV, and then I went to bed. I woke up in the morning to a bunch of emails from Amazon, "Thanks for Signing up for HBO Go," "Thanks for signing up for the Showtime App." He'd signed me up for a bunch of premium movie channel apps.

alwaysmyfault / Reddit


Dyed her hair red in our bathroom sink - staining the brand-new granite countertop, then dripped onto the new tile floor, then dripped onto the hardwood floor in the hallway, and ultimately slept in our guest bed with wet, freshly dyed red hair - staining the sheets and pillowcase.

Unknown author / Reddit


I lived in a small house, so my dressing table was a table and a wall mirror near the front door. One day we had people over while it was raining, and my husband’s cousin came in, picked up my hairbrush from the hall table, and brushed her wet dog with it.

Wienerwrld / Reddit


When I was 14 my landlord came to our apartment to fix the toilet. He took his pants off and did the whole thing in his boxers. I was alone with my mom and ignored him.

When I told my dad, he was furious. The landlord said he was going to a wedding later and didn't wanna dirty his pants. It was so weird that he just did it and never explained himself until my dad screamed on him.

TheDood715 / Reddit

We've all had those horribly embarrassing moments we wish we could erase from memory. But some people have decided to share theirs with the world. In this article, these 10 real-life stories will make you laugh, gasp, and maybe even cringe a little. At the end of the day, you'll be glad you're not the one who had to live through them.

Preview photo credit Wienerwrld / Reddit


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