20+ Illustrations From an Israeli Artist That Speak Louder Than Words

Surprisingly, there is more than one type of tear, there are actually 3: basal, irritant, and emotional. The latter contains more stress hormones and natural painkillers than any other tears. Crying can help you fight bacteria, so next time someone catches you crying, just let them know you’re on a 1:1 match with a team of microorganisms.
Seeing the positive in every situation is something Bright Side believes in, and we found 15 stories that touched our hearts in all the right ways.
“Good morning,
my beautiful wife
See you tomorrow
I love you”
“Now Stitch passed away, and it’s Cookie’s first time alone. Since Stitch is gone, I’ve been feeding Cookie less food. Before I went to bed, I wanted to check if she ate. And I did, and she still left half of her food there, so Stitch can eat.”
“To my son
Wherever your journey in life may take you
I pray that you will always be safe.
Enjoy the ride and never forget your way back home.
I can’t promise to be here for the rest of your life
but I can promise to love you for the rest of mine.
Love you.
“I uploaded cards they had each written and used my Cricut machine to put their writing on my graduation cap.”
Rex the dog, was the loyal friend of John E. Stow, a leading fruit merchant in the 1800s. The doggo has been keeping his owner’s guard ever since he passed away. Today, more than 100 years later, people still leave sticks for Rex, because he’s a really good boy.
When was the last time you called your dad or your mom? What’s the most unexpected thing that made you tear up?