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Being thrifty is great. But very often, we buy things that are cheap instead of ones that are good, so they break or go bad very fast and we end up needing a replacement. In situations like these, we end up paying twice.
We at Bright Side think that we should be smart about spending money, so we made a list of things that are definitely worth their price.
Buying thermal underwear is an investment in your own health. You won’t have to freeze anymore just because you chose the wrong clothes. But if you decide to go the cheap route, you might not get the effect you’re looking for. Good thermal underwear are made of a mix of different fabrics, they hold in the warmth, and they don’t let you get overheated or sweat.
According to standards and norms, an office chair is supposed to have the following features: it should be the right height, provide stability, and the back and the seat should change angles. Also, the distance from the back to the front edge of the seat should be regulated. Bad chairs can harm your health and they keep you from being able to concentrate on your work.
Backpacks are no longer just things that children go to school with or take with them when camping. A lot of famous companies make backpacks and almost every person has a backpack at home. Most of the time, high-quality backpacks cost a lot of money.
Socks are one piece of clothing that every person wears from birth. If the socks are low-quality, your feet may start to sweat which is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous: fungal infections can quickly develop in moist conditions.
Don’t be cheap when buying any beauty products, but also, there is no point in going to extremes and buying $500 creams. When choosing a product, pay attention to the active ingredients in it: rare and expensive ingredients can’t be cheap. Sometimes, it is better to pay more for one good cream than buy a lot of bad ones.
Safety on the road depends on how good you are as a driver, and you have to be able to see 100% of the road. Unfortunately, some cars have blind spots — the area around the car that drivers can’t see from their seats. Even if the mirrors are all set correctly, there still might be some blind spots, so you need additional mirrors.
Sunglasses are supposed to protect your eyes from UV light. Some manufacturers try to make cheap glasses, so they use regular glass instead of UV filters. This is not only useless, but also harmful — when covered with a dark lens, our pupils open and the retina gets exposed to UV light, destroying it. Despite the cost of the sunglasses, always check to see if they have UV filters. And if they don’t, it’s better to just not buy them.
A DVR is a very important thing to have in your car. With it, you’ll always be able (we hope you won’t need to) to prove that you were right in a car accident.
At first thought, light-blocking curtains don’t seem to be the most important thing for your house. But in reality, they are quite important. Melatonin is produced in darkness, and even a little bit of light lowers its levels. You can use a sleep mask (which is not very comfortable because it might slip off) or you can buy special curtains and forget about this problem once and for all.
A pillow is something you come into contact with every day. Your productivity depends on how well you sleep, so be smart about the pillow you use.
Cheap hair dyes may just not do a good job dying your hair and, according to some studies, it may increase your risk of cancer. Before you buy hair dye, pay attention to the ingredients used in it. It is better to pay extra money to avoid health risks.
What things are you okay with spending a lot of money on? And what can you easily be cheap on? Tell us in the comment section below!