10 Touching Stories That Reveal the Extraordinary Love of Grandparents

Family & kids
month ago

Family is something we shouldn't take for granted, and grandparents often hold a special place in it. With their life experiences, they bring wisdom and often a great sense of humor, making them some of the most memorable and cherished people in the family.

  • We were always close with my grandson, but when he hit his teenage years, it felt like he didn’t have time for me anymore. He was always on his phone or with friends, barely acknowledging me.
    One day, my grandson had his friends over, so I brought them snacks and ruffled his hair like I used to. He turned bright red, slapped my hand away, and hissed, "Grandma, stop! It’s embarrassing." His friends laughed, and my heart sank. I muttered an apology and left the room, trying to hide how much it hurt.
    A week later, on my birthday, I wasn’t expecting much from him. But when I walked into the kitchen, there he was—with a cake he’d baked himself. "You always made my birthdays special. I wanted to do the same," he said. I wiped away a tear and smiled. He may have grown up, but deep down, he was still my grandson.
  • My maternal grandparents never liked my paternal grandparents. They always tried to outdo each other with the most extravagant gifts.
    One year, my maternal grandparents bought me a shiny red bike with all the bells and whistles. I was ecstatic. But just as I parked the bike, my paternal grandparents showed up — with a brand-new electric scooter. My jaw dropped.
    The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. But then, something unexpected happened. My grandmothers exchanged a glance, and my maternal grandma chuckled, "Well, looks like we’ll have to top that next year."
  • When I was 20, I broke up with my girlfriend. About a month later, when my grandfather found out, he pulled me aside and told me that he thought I made a mistake. Apparently, my girlfriend had been great to my grandfather, calling him, and talking with him for hours, and bringing him lunch every now and then without me noticing.
    They had become really good friends, and she meant the world to him. She had gone back to Hungary, and he paid for a ticket for me so I could go get her back. We've been happily married 6 years, but sadly our wedding was a month after his funeral. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I was raised by my grandparents and luckily got to spend lots of time with them. We spent most of our time gardening. They have a huge garden, probably closer to 1.5 acres. It's always so nice to see in full bloom. My wonderful grandmother still spends every day in her garden.
    My grandfather built their house and on top of the garage he made a sitting area. There were these cement steps to get up to it, and he made a bench that went around the entire perimeter of it, and a table part way through. They had a swing up there. It felt magical as a child.
    Anyways, in the summer time we would put a bunch of blankets up there, and I would lay in between my grandparents, and we would watch the stars and count the satellites we could see.
    Next month will be 4 years without my grandpa. I miss him so much. © Razorra*** / Reddit
  • I would sleep on the couch at my grandparent's house and my grandmother would always wake up at dawn, make coffee, and read the paper before my grandfather woke up. I liked to sleep, and didn't really like coffee, but that hour at the breakfast table became our special time before the day started.
    She passed away junior year of college after fighting lung cancer for a year. When I think about the good moments, I most often flash back to the kitchen table, sitting in my pajamas, drinking coffee and reading the comics with my grandmother. © anthropology_nerd / Reddit
  • My Nana knew that when I was a kid I loved to read. Often times, when my parents needed a break from taking care of me, she would come in and offer to take me to a library. It was a different library every time, and she would always help me pick out a cool looking book to read.
    My favorite one we went to was connected to a cafe, and she got me hot cocoa to drink while I read my book. It just makes me think of her every time I walk in a library, and I’m glad we could share so many memories in them. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • Most of my family plays chess pretty competitively with one another, with my Grandfather being one of the best in the family. When I was 10, after six years of dedicated playing, I finally surpassed him. I remember how proud he was when he told me he couldn't take me on anymore. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • After an entire rant about wanting to go to a lighthouse near our beach's house, my grandfather decided to take me there to see the lighthouse. We took a bus and both fell asleep while traveling to the lighthouse, we got woke up several coastal cities later when the bus came to the terminal. No lighthouse for us, but a memory to cherish forever. © BalloonBoy14 / Reddit
  • I remember waking up in the morning to the sound of a spoon being stirred in a coffee mug. Grandma and Grandpa would be sitting at the dinner table, drinking coffee. Grandma would be cleaning beans while grandpa read the paper. Every morning.
    As soon as we would walk into view, Grandma would get up and immediately start rolling fresh tortillas. We would get a hot tortilla with butter and salt, rolled up. © instant_ramen_chef / Reddit
  • My brother and I used to have sleepovers at my grandparents' house. Our grandmother would always bring little snacks and plates of fruit to the bedroom where the computer was, because we were always playing games on it. She was always checking in on us and making sure we were happy. I miss that. © ajw596596 / Reddit

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