10 Tricks to Bring You Back to Life When You Feel Exhausted

5 years ago

In the office, at a shopping mall, or on a walk with your kid — exhaustion can creep up at the most inopportune moments. Sometimes fatigue is caused by stress and lack of exercise, and sometimes we can feel exhausted because of a poor diet and working environment. But wherever you are and whatever you do, there’s a way to boost your energy without 10 cups of coffee or 10 hours of sleep.

Here at Bright Side we’ve selected these energy-boosting tricks to help you fight fatigue and recharge your batteries.

Take a 20-minute “power nap.”

Sleep researchers believe that 20 minutes is just the right time for a nap that’ll make you feel alert and productive after you wake up. While a deeper and longer sleep at night gives your body and mind a full restoration, a 20 minute nap during the day will give you more energy to continue your work. Here are a few tips on how to make the most of your power nap:

  • Take your nap in a cool, dark place with no distractions;
  • Use a sleep mask to get rid of light;
  • Take a nap an hour or 2 after lunch;
  • Refresh yourself with a short walk or a splash of water on your face after you get up.

Sit up straight.

Studies have shown that sitting in an upright position helps us fight fatigue by increasing the oxygen level in our blood. Other trials have demonstrated that people who sit straight tend to be in a better mood and experience less negative emotions compared to those who sit in a slumped posture. You can also do some light stretching right at your desk to improve blood circulation and get a boost of energy.

Have a good laugh.

Laughter has many health benefits, and making you more energetic and alert is one of them. When we laugh, we breathe in oxygen-rich air, which stimulates our heart and muscles, and increases the level of endorphins in our blood. As a result, laughter gives us a true energy surge. So, next time you feel like you’re low on energy and you can’t go on with work or household chores, take a break to watch or read something funny and have a good sincere laugh.

Smell a cinnamon stick.

The scent of cinnamon has an amazing effect on the human brain. It enhances brain activity, and fights memory loss and nervous tension, which makes us think faster and be more productive. Other scents that can make you more alert are lemon and orange essential oils, but be careful: essential oils can cause irritation and allergic reactions and should be treated with care.

Let the sunshine in.

We often get tired and dizzy when we find ourselves in dark places. Darkness triggers our body to produce less serotonin, an important neurotransmitter that makes us feel sleepy. Open the curtains and let some sunshine in, or take a walk outdoors. Breathe in fresh air, enjoy the rays of sun, and you will probably feel happier and more energetic.

Have a DIY energy drink...

There are many all-natural DIY recipes for energy drinks that you can find on the internet, and one of the easiest ones includes just 4 ingredients: lemon, ginger, honey, and water. Here’s what you need to do to refuel your energy reserves:

  • Mix 1 tbsp of ginger juice, 1 tbsp of lemon juice, and 1 tbsp of honey;
  • Add 1 glass of clear water and stir gently;
  • Add some ice cubes if you want your drink to be really cold.

...or just a glass of water.

According to doctors, dehydration is one of the main causes for tiredness and fatigue. Other symptoms of dehydration include headaches, dizziness, and mood swings. Many of us do not take in the necessary daily amount of liquid and we often only reach out for a glass of water when we feel very thirsty. So, next time you feel sleepy and dizzy, drink a glass of water and see what happens.

Hum your favorite tune.

Just like a workout or a walk, singing wakes up your brain and increases the blood flow. If you hum a nice and pleasant tune that cheers you up, it will make you feel more uplifted and inspire you to achieve more. Besides, singing is a good natural anti-depressant and it can get your mind off daily problems, note by note.

Try a stress-relieving foot massage.

Stress is one of the reasons we feel exhausted by the end of the day. A good stress-relieving foot massage can work wonders on your tired body. Our feet contain over 7,000 nerve endings, 19 different muscles, 107 ligaments, and 26 bones, and the right pressure applied to specific areas of our feet can reduce pain, stress, and fatigue.

Foot massages usually include gentle and firm sole rubbing and pressing the pressure points for a couple of seconds with your thumbs or knuckles. Follow this or similar videos by certified massage therapists for detailed instructions.

Chew some almonds.

Almonds are the perfect choice for a mid-day energizing snack. Almonds contain riboflavin and L-carnitine, the elements that are linked to increased brain activity. They are also rich in magnesium, manganese, copper, and other vitamins and minerals that improve overall body health and fight after-lunch memory decline.

These energy-boosting tricks we have just told you about have proved themselves to be quite effective in many people. However, if you feel exhausted for several days in a row and nothing seems to help, it’s better to schedule an appointment with your doctor to exclude an underlying condition that causes fatigue.

Would you try any of these tips next time you feel tired? Do you have your own tricks to increase your energy levels?


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Sitting up straight is a whole challenge. I tell myself almost every day "ok today I'm going to sit straight", but when I start working I get so concentrated on it I often forget to sit like this


Power naps are the best! Even if I get a good night rest I still feel tired during the day. When I can I sleep for 15-20 minutes and I feel myself sooooo refreshed


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