10 Ways to Support Your Children So They Can Achieve Their Dreams and Goals

Family & kids
2 years ago

When we were children, our parents showed us that any dream is possible if we strive to achieve it. That’s why we believe that for many parents, supporting their children to achieve their dreams and goals is a priority, even though sometimes we don’t know quite how to do it. Parents who are looking for ways to guide kids to discover their talents without making them feel pressured or overwhelmed, you are already on the right track.

At Bright Side, we want to share with you some tips that could help you discover your little one’s talent.

1. Avoid prejudice

It can happen that something we like is outside of what is considered “traditional.” Many of us grew up with the false idea that feminine activities are less valuable, but it’s completely valid that your son finds it interesting to learn how to cook, while your daughter is passionate about cars.

At times like these, it’s best to avoid judging the activities they enjoy and blur that line between “boy stuff and girl stuff.” Everyone can improve their skills in any area that makes them happy.

2. Give them freedom

We have all imagined our children becoming experts in a certain activity that we are passionate about. But the reality is that they probably don’t share all of our tastes. Instead, see what catches their attention, what makes them smile. By letting them explore, it will be easier to decide what they like best, and you will be able to create a better bond by showing interest in what they love to do.

3. Do not belittle their capabilities

From an early age, it is possible to identify children’s interests from the artistic to the practical. These tastes will become part of their personality as they grow up and can be the bridge to a very creative future. Therefore, it is important not to minimize or criticize talents that, for adults, may not have a practical function.

Many of us grew up with phrases like “that hobby won’t get you a good job” or “you’d better do something else that’s good for something.” But it’s time to change that approach, think about what makes your children happy and support them to be the best they can be.

4. Improvisation is allowed

If your little ones don’t yet know what they love to do and don’t dream of a specific profession, give them time. While they find their passion, don’t stop interacting with them. Integrate games and activities into their daily routine, as these are key for them to develop skills and knowledge that will help them in the future.

5. Don’t overload their agenda

As adults, we believe that having one activity after another in our day is synonymous with being productive. But children need free time, so the best option is not to overwhelm them with activities just because we believe that the more things they do, the more successful they will be. When children have too many extracurricular responsibilities, it can even affect them emotionally. Remember that it is very valid to have moments of rest.

6. Allow them to try different things

Just as we get bored doing the same thing over and over again, children may get tired of one activity and want to explore others. This is a normal part of their growing process. One way to support them would be to get actively involved in helping to find clubs, games or spaces where they do the new activity of interest to your child. Being in an environment where others share their likes and dislikes will make them feel supported.

7. The harsh reality can wait

We know that many of us dream of unrealistic things, like becoming wizards or princesses. But that shouldn’t be a reason to make harsh comments to your daughter or son. Children who constantly feel judged or criticized may grow up with a negative self-image.

If one day they decide they want to be an astronaut, why not help them build a cardboard rocket? That way they’ll explore their skills, have fun and, maybe, someday, reach the stars.

8. Teach by example

The day-to-day responsibilities of parents often take a lot of time out of the agenda, but it is essential to make room for the hobbies we enjoy. Not getting involved in our children’s activities can turn us into distant parents and have repercussions on their emotional development.

On the contrary, if we share moments where we are interested in their tastes, and where they can see us happy and fulfilled for doing what we like, they will learn by your example to enjoy their talents.

9. Listen to their needs

To many it may seem like a whim, but when children ask to go to a certain class, engage in a specific activity or are insistent about a hobby, they are communicating what makes them happy. Active listening to their needs will help you notice what they enjoy doing and can give you the foundation to support them in developing their talents.

10. Don’t compare them

Comparing our children with other children may produce stress and anxiety. Therefore, we must consider that each child is different and will have his or her moment to shine. The best thing to do is to be patient with the stages your children go through and support them in being consistent so that they achieve all their goals.

What tip has helped you learn about your kid’s talent? Let us know in the comments!


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