12 Everyday Objects That Have More Than Their Obvious Purposes

10 months ago

In our daily routines, we interact with a myriad of items and products, often without giving them a second thought. Familiar designs have become so ingrained in our lives that we seldom ponder the reasons behind their creation. Yet, keen observers may have glimpsed fascinating intricacies in objects, their purposes shrouded in perpetual mystery.

1. The embossed notch helps indicate the placement of a bottle sticker.

If you have an eye for detail, you’ve probably noticed that strange-looking notch on the bottoms of plastic bottles. But we bet you don’t know that this thing has a name and a specific purpose.

It’s called a deco lug and is used to help navigate artwork placement on the bottle. Without this tiny feature, stickers on the bottles would not look as symmetrical and pretty as they do. The deco lug ensures that every sticker is printed and placed precisely the same on all mass-produced plastic bottles.

2. Tiny plastic details on smartphones act as an antenna.

There’s hardly an item we use more nowadays than the smartphone. Despite using it for hours each day, most of us don’t know all its hidden features. The same goes for those mysterious little lines on the sides of your smartphone. No matter how insignificant this may appear, it indeed is one of the most essential details of the whole device.

These lines act like an antenna that enables you to receive radio wave signals. Most smartphones are made of metal, which is a material that prevents radio waves from passing through. For this reason, a small piece of plastic is necessary to enable your device to work properly.

3. The V-shape stitch is designed to collect sweat.

At first glance, it looks like the V-shape stitch on T-shirts and sweatshirts is only used for decoration, but, in fact, it has a unique role.

In 1930, when the manufacturing of these sports sweaters had just begun, this triangle had 2 purposes: to make the hole more stretchy and to absorb sweat. Since modern-day sportswear is made of lighter fabrics, there’s no need to use this kind of stitching anymore. Plus, many sportswear companies are trying to cut production costs, so that’s another reason why we may come across this kind of stitch less and less.

4. Baby onesies hide a super-practical feature.

If you have ever wondered what those odd-looking folds on the shoulders of baby onesies are for, prepare to have your mind blown. Although they may seem like a strange little fashion detail, their purpose is much more practical. The folds make it possible to slide the onesie over the baby’s legs instead of over the head, giving you and the baby a chance to escape a messy situation without creating an extra mess.

5. Backpacks can truly be life-savers.

When buying a backpack, we tend to focus on its size and color, but we don’t notice other special features that sometimes come with it. Most backpacks designed for outdoor adventures often hide a unique, life-saving feature: a whistle. You’ll usually see them as an extension of the plastic buckles at the ends of the straps. Although not all backpacks come with this fantastic little detail, you’ll find them on most modern hiking backpacks.

6. The mustard bottle cap can be locked in place.

Some mustard manufacturers show that they really care for their customers by adding super practical features to their containers. This Frenchie’s mustard bottle has a ’’secret’’ hinge with a small nub that can hold the cap in place so that it doesn’t catch any of the mustard while squeezing it out. Simply open the lid and push it back until it hits the nub and is safely blocked.

7. The design of Toblerone chocolate bars hides a secret.

Because it comes from Switzerland, many people assume that the Swiss Alps inspired the iconic triangular shape of the Toblerone chocolate bar. But, in fact, Toblerone’s design is not so much about aesthetics as it is about function. The bar is designed so that if you press on one of the triangles with your thumb, it will break easily into a perfect bite-size portion.

8. You can mute the beeping sound on your microwave with the secondary button.

To mute the beeping sound on your microwave, use the “Volume” or “Sound” button on the control panel and adjust the settings as needed. Some microwaves may have a specific mute function labeled as a secondary function on the control panel. Press and hold either “1” or “0.” Sometimes, manufacturers assign hidden, secondary functions to these keys.

9. A credit card can save the day in the kitchen.

A credit card can be a life-saver in various situations, but some of those don’t necessarily have to include spending money. If you, by any chance, get stuck without a cheese grater or a knife, a credit card can come in handy. As strange as it may sound, the embossed numbers on credit cards can act like a cheese grater. Plus, you can use the side of your card to cut softer foods, like cakes.

10. Notebook margins were initially designed for protection.

Strangely, the original purpose of margins on notebook paper wasn’t to leave space for note-taking or to serve as a guide for how many sentences you could fit onto one page. Margins were invented to protect the text written on paper from rats and mice, which used to be common pests in many households. Since they enjoy nibbling on paper, margins kept them from eating away at important work written on the pages.

11. The varied texture on the road is not an unintended production.

This speed bump is also known as “sleeper lines” or “rumbler strips.” Its main function is to keep the driver alert if the car they’re driving starts to drift off on the side of the road. When this occurs, the friction between the tire and the sleeper line will cause a loud noise and vibration to wake up sleepy or distracted drivers.

12. McDonald’s French fry boxes have a hidden catchup holder.

Sometimes, genius designs hide in plain sight, but we overlook them when hungry. If you take a second look, you’ll notice that the bendable flap on the French fry box can be turned into a ketchup holder. Just press and fold it outward and use it as a plate for the sauce of your choice.

What unusual details have you noticed on everyday objects? If you want to find an object’s more curious hidden purpose, you can read this article.


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As a momma to a 2yr old of course i knew about the onesie folds. Every mother does. Theres alot of messy situations.


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