12 Things You’ll Probably Learn for the First Time Ever

4 years ago

There’re animals who fake pregnancies to get more food from their caretakers, pigeons can tell if people have cancer or not. Every day we can learn something new, and the things we discover may make us smile, astonish us, or even scare us to some extent.

Here at Bright Side, we spend plenty of time looking for new brain food, and we’d love for you to learn new things with us together. Warning: Your world may be slightly shaken after finding out some of the things we’ve prepared for you.

1. Many lipsticks contain fish scales.

The ingredient called guanine is used in many lipsticks to create a shimmery effect. This ingredient comes from fish scales and in the cosmetic industry it is called “pearl essence.”

2. Thanks to high-resolution flat screen TVs, dogs are able to see TV screens as well as humans.

Dogs can see images on TV screens similar to the way we do, and they are intelligent enough to recognize animals shown in movies and on TV series, exactly the way they would in real life. They even recognize animals they’ve never seen before and TV dog sounds, like barking.

3. There’s a spa house in Japan where you can take a noodle bath.

Ichiro Furuya, the owner of the spa, claims that “Lately people are very concerned about having beautiful skin, and they know about the effects of collagen, which is contained in our pork-based broth. In this bath, everybody can have fun and take advantage of the healthy elements of ramen noodles.”

4. Cows that are called by name produce 258 liters more milk than those who are nameless.

British researchers compared production from the country’s National Milk Records with the survey responses of 516 dairy farmers to see if there was a connection between the amount of milk and cow naming. Dairy farmers who called their cows by name got 2,105 gallons (7,938 liters) of milk from their cows, compared with 2,029 gallons (7,680 liters) per 10-month lactation cycle.

5. A human body contains 0.2 mg of gold.

Gold is found in the blood and it is necessary for our joints. It is also an essential element in transmitting electric signals throughout the body. An average person’s body, weighing 70 kilograms, would contain a total mass of 0.2 milligrams of gold. If the amount of gold in the human body was turned into a solid cube, it would measure around 0.22 millimeters.

9. You can save 584 gallons of water by peeing in the shower.

According to a study, if you shower once every day and you pee during that shower, you could save 1.6 gallons of water from not flushing the toilet. So to do the math, for 365 days in a year, there’s a total of 584 gallons of water that you could save just by peeing in the shower.

6. There are no “Stop” signs on the roads in Paris.

There’re 6,100 streets in Paris, and none of them have a stop sign for drivers. The last stop sign was removed somewhere between 2012 and 2014, and since then Parisian traffic functions completely without them. The reason behind this is that the car on the right in Paris always has priority.

7. Kids perform better at boring tasks when dressed as Batman.

According to a study, children are more likely to work harder while dressed in a Batman costume.

The Dark Knight isn’t the only character costume that inspires kids to be heroes when performing everyday tasks, however.

Scientists found that kids dressed as Bob the Builder, Rapunzel, and Dora the Explorer also appeared to work harder.

8. There is an underwater mailbox in Japan and you can send a mail from it.

The deepest underwater box usually receives around 1,000 to 1,500 pieces of mails every day, many sent by family members for their loved ones, and this little piece of infrastructure carries a special significance. It is located in Susami Bay, Japan and was placed 10 meters deep off of the coast. You can buy a waterproof card, write a message on it, and send it to whomever you want while diving.

9. The color of the apple has nothing to do with how sweet it is.

According to an apple classification guide, the Red Delicious, which has a deep red color, is less sweet than a Fuji, which has a faded-red color, but is considered to be a “super-sweet” variety.

10. The world is blurry to babies when they’re born, and their vision doesn’t get super-sharp until they’re around 1-year-old.

When your baby is born, they see you and the world around them with fuzzy eyes. They focus better on objects that are up to 10 inches away from their face. This is the right distance for your baby to observe your face while you are holding or nursing them.

At around 3 months, your baby’s eyes can follow things around, so, if you wave a colorful toy near their eyes, they will track the movement.

By the age of 12 months, babies see things very clearly, both near and far. They can even quickly focus on fast-moving objects.

11. Pandas can fake pregnancy.

Panda’s birth rates are extremely low, so caregivers usually treat it as a special occasion when a panda gets pregnant. They treat this panda with increased attention and give them more delicious food. Pandas have also been known to fake pregnancies to receive more attention and goodies from their caregivers. The fake pregnancy is not easy to tell from a real one from the start, as the animals show all signs of pregnancy, including the physical changes.

12. Crows hold grudges.

Studies have found that crows remember the faces of people who did them wrong and can later recognize this person and enact revenge on them.

What is a fact that you learned recently that made you rush to your phone and Google it because it seemed so unbelievable to your ears?

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and if your having a no.2, it will take a lot of water to get rid of that.


Magpies also hold a grudge as well as Crows. My son & l used to feed a couple of Magpie families. Over time they'd bring their babies. Beside holding a Magpie creche spanning 5 generations whenever my son went to school he was always safe but other kids got swooped.
One day my son was being bullied, until one of our favourite Magpies saw what was happening, he swooped down, picked up a snake and dropped it on the bully's head. My boy was safe...lol l


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