No matter how much we love a person, they may have some annoying habits that always make us mad. And today, we're exploring some common human habits that drive us crazy!
Bright Side invites you to take a look at these relatable illustrations and have a laugh together.
13. When you want him to be nice and he plays pranks:
12. When it's impossible to watch a melodrama with him:
11. When he pours on liters of cologne:
10. When he tries to "tidy up" in his own way:
9. When he behaves like a savage:
8. It's even worse when this savage gets a hold of your favorite towel.
7. When he thinks it's funny to stick you with his beard:
6. When he immediately forgets your requests:
5. When he drenches your culinary masterpieces in ketchup:
4. When he leaves a huge pile of dishes after cooking:
3. When he tries to impress you with his muscles:
1. When he suddenly cancels your date:
Do these situations look familiar to you? Do you have anything to add to the list? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
Illustrated by Daniil Shubin for Bright Side