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Have you ever considered that a lot of mirrors in your bedroom might increase your cleaning time or that dark shades on your lamps could increase your electric bill? There are many things at home that we are used to and that we think are useful. But the truth is they either make us clean more often or create an uncomfortable atmosphere.
We at Bright Side have collected some tips that you can use especially if you are planning to redecorate your house or apartment.
There is no real reason to try to save room by buying a sofa bed instead of a regular bed. Guests don’t come over that often. Transforming the bed every day and getting poor sleep is not good at all. Additionally, these sofas have less space, so the quality of sleep will be worse for this reason too.
We often don’t throw away plastic bags because we might need them. But one day, this will lead to a complete mess in your cabinet.
It’s really convenient to store things in boxes. However, we often use too many boxes and don’t even remember what’s in them. As a result, you can waste your precious time looking for something in all of them.
Coat racks in the hall are always full unless you only have one coat for all seasons. But it’s the hall that makes the first impression in your house. If your coat rack is overloaded, the house looks messy, it takes more and more time to find a necessary coat, and things often end up on the floor.
Even if you are careful with where you put your shoes, eventually the whole hall will look like a mess anyway. Also, if you don’t have special furniture for your shoes, there will be a lot of dirt in your hall in the winter. Then, this dirt spreads to other rooms and you have to spend more and more time cleaning.
Big mirrors in bedrooms often appear there because they are on wardrobes or closets. They can make a small room look much bigger. However, they require regular cleaning. If you have a lot of sunshine in the room, the dust is easily seen on the mirrors.
Unless you want to clean the dust several times a week and wash your big mirrors, order a wardrobe with one or 2 mirrors on the doors. And in order to make the room look bigger, you can match the color of the wardrobe or closet with the color of the walls.
Bright wallpaper colors really make the place look and feel bigger, but in fact, they only cause a lot of trouble. Light walls, especially in the area where people change shoes and coats, become grey and dirty when fall comes and the hall will look messy. Besides, it’s very hard to wash wallpaper and keep it clean. You will have to spend a lot of time on it, and in the end, you will end up having to change the wallpaper.
To avoid this kind of trouble, choose colors that are less light or cover the light walls with a cabinet.
If you have a lot of wire hangers, there is a high risk of damaging your clothes while taking them out of the closet, and clothes made of delicate fabrics lose their shape because of stretching.
One of the most popular things people have in their kitchens is open shelving. Unfortunately, there is a lot of dust in the kitchen. And often, the dust gets mixed up with grease and is hard to clean. These shelves and the things on them should be cleaned regularly, otherwise the dust becomes really visible. Another negative factor is the necessity to keep the place perfectly clean because you can’t put anything you want on these shelves, otherwise the place looks untidy.
Many people have transforming tables that can become longer at their homes in case guests come over. But, guests don’t come that often and even though these tables can be transformed, they take up a lot of room and become dirty and dusty. So, it’s a really clunky piece of furniture that is used once every 6 months on a special occasion.
A big mirror in the bathroom that starts right above the sink quickly gets covered with water stains. And it’s not very convenient to have to clean mirrors several times a day. The bathroom will look messy and you won’t like the reflection.
Dark shades don’t let light go through very well, so the room will always be a little dark. To solve this problem, you can try buying the biggest and strongest light bulbs. But in this case, you will use more electricity and will have to pay more money.
Carpeting, unlike a regular rug, has a short lifespan. If there is a stain on it, you will have to hire special people who can try to get rid of it. If you can’t get rid of the stain, you’ll have to change the carpeting or get used to living with the stain.
What other uncomfortable things would you add to this list? Tell us in the comment section below!