14 People Who Went From 10 to 0 in an Instant

6 hours ago

It’s amazing how quickly a single comment, glance, or unexpected moment can turn a great day upside down. While it’s tough to deal with at first, over time, we can manage to move past it and even share those moments with others. The people in this compilation did just that, sharing real experiences that hit home with so many online.

  • I went on a date with a guy from the gym, and everything felt perfect—until he suddenly couldn’t find his phone. I called it, and the waitress appeared, claiming she found it in the restroom. Later, while he was paying, she came to show me a photo of his screen. He had saved my name as "Pancake bottom girl."
    Needless to say, I never interacted with him again. I even considered changing my gym at one point.

I think, I can never earn over which I paid by my precedent employer, but I was wrong, world is so large to try their fate. but now I am making $52/h even more,and easily earn minimum $1300/week, on the experience everyone must try to do work online, easy way to earn, here's an example.

  • "Alright, well, definitely NOT a singing part..."
    My 4th-grade teacher had lined us all up, and one by one, we each sang a part of the song that would be in our class play. In front of the whole class, she said this to me—she ruined that day, and she ruined singing for years. It's been 14 years, and I'm now able to sing when no one's around, but to this day, I still have issues with singing.
    It's important to be careful with your words, especially as a role model to a child. © nechamaa / Reddit
  • "I was never happy with you; I was only with you because I thought I should be."
    My ex said this not long after telling me she loved me more than the guy she left me for—who she eventually married on our old anniversary (approximately ten months after meeting him). Hope they're happy, though. © amalgamverse / Reddit
  • My crush said yes to a date, and then a day later texted me, “I’m not looking to date anybody right now. I hope you didn’t get the wrong impression.” © RJ_adrift / Reddit
  • Once, when I was waiting tables, I had a table of three old men who seemed genuinely sweet. When I walked a few feet away, the one with his back towards me said, "She's a beautiful girl, but her smile is terrible." I went to the back and cried, and all the line cooks told me how beautiful my smile was, so at least I got some pity compliments to make up for it. © LoverOfDogsDawg / Reddit
  • My friend's whole life got ruined in pretty much a single sentence. He had a crush in high school and was pretty close with her as a friend. One day, the topic changed to romance and love life, and my friend had the unfortunate experience of being bluntly told by her, "I would want a guy like you, but I don't really like you. You're not my type at all." © Noisetorm_ / Reddit
  • After living in my sister's basement for 5 years, I finally made enough money as an ESL teacher to get my own apartment. Two weeks after I moved in, a guy from the main headquarters of the company that owns the school came to my school, called a meeting, and said, "This school will be closing down in September." © shadowrangerfs / Reddit
  • I walked up to my 7th-grade girlfriend at her locker on a Monday morning, and her friend standing there said, “Ha ha, you two aren’t dating anymore.” That’s how I was dumped. © Fiveskin27 / Reddit
  • I was walking home from school one day with a friend, and these girls said, “You guys are hot.” I said, “Thanks, I know I am,” and one of the girls replied, “Not you, Amity, the other one.” Might have ruined my life, not just my day. © Amity423 / Reddit
  • I had just arrived at school in 3rd grade and was eating breakfast in the cafeteria. I sat down for a total of 5 seconds when some fifth-grade girl (who I’d never interacted with before) sitting in front of me called me ugly. My older cousin, who was in her grade, told her not to say that. I got up and left on the verge of tears and heard the same cousin telling her, “Look what you did, you made her leave.” © JakoJustOneYesterday / Reddit
  • I was unemployed, and a friend set me up to have lunch with a VP of a company where I was hoping to work. The lunch went great. I followed up with a thank you and asked about the next steps for setting up an interview.
    He wrote back, and the sentence that cut deep was: “You’re a nice guy and smart, but you just seem mediocre in performance.” © Unknown author / Reddit
  • Someone ruined my day with a single sentence by telling my girlfriend I was cheating on her (when I wasn’t). I had to deescalate the situation for the rest of the evening, and now the worry is there and rears its head every now and then. © jolivarez8 / Reddit
  • I have generalized anxiety. After my first day at my new job, during which everything went great, I sat down to watch some TV. Cue my dad saying, "You should be more active." Instantly, my mood was ruined. © scriitorinparc / Reddit
  • When I was in 6th grade, I had a huge crush on this girl. My friend at the time dated her friend for a while, so he was good friends with my crush. I decided to tell him about this huge crush because I trusted him a lot. After I did, he kept making jokes about it, and once, while my crush was right next to us, he was talking to his girlfriend with my crush standing nearby.
    Apparently, my crush was saying something mean, and my friend looked at me and said, "Tell your girlfriend to shut up," to which she replied, "Girlfriend? Ewww, no!" I just looked away, my 12-year-old heart crushed. © DezPispenser / Reddit

While our brains try to make sense of the experiences we go through, some events defy logic, leaving us with an eerie, unsettling feeling. In this article, you’ll find jaw-dropping stories that go beyond the boundaries of reason and will leave you with chills.


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