14 Touching Pics of Human Kindness That Will Lift Your Spirits

2 years ago

Even when life seems tough, there are some people we meet and stories we hear that make the world a happier place. From selfless deeds to acts of human kindness, they can bring a smile to your face.

Today at Bright Side, we’ve collected 14 wonderful images of generous acts with uplifting stories behind them.

1. “Walked into the shelter and asked which cat had been there the longest. Came home with a deaf, toothless, senior lovebug.”

2. “Saved a tiny deer from a swift rapid while kayaking.”

3. “Last year I donated my kidney. Today I got to meet the person I donated my kidney to!”

4. “This restaurant offers food for free if you can’t afford it.”

5. “She donated 30 inches of her hair to make wigs for children with cancer.”

6. “This restaurant gives you free tacos if you donate winter clothes for the homeless.”

7. “I’m a hairdresser. Today, a 4-year-old client who used to be scared of having her hair cut made this for me.”

8. “A Norwegian firefighter saved a bunny.”

9. This man saved the life of a leatherback sea turtle who had gotten stuck. He got in the river to help guide her out.

10. “There is a blind deer in our neighborhood and this boy walks her every day to make sure she finds food.”

11. “2 guys created a charity and built a van that offers a free mobile laundry service to the Australian Homeless.”

12. “The cat shelter I volunteer with has a program that brings senior cats to visit seniors in nursing homes.”

13. “I lost my leg in Iraq. Ran a half marathon to raise money for a little girl’s new prosthetic leg.”

14. “Saved a squirrel from drowning in cold water. Here I am cuddling it for warmth!”

Has anyone ever gone out of their way to make your day better? Let us know!

Preview photo credit br1dg1d / Reddit


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